IYA2009 Updates
Mexico Breaks Guinness World Record during IYA2009
17 March 2010

The record of the most people stargazing was achieved by Mexico during the Galilean Nights last October. With more than 1 100 telescopes officially reported in 41 different sites the Noche de las Estrellas (Night of the Stars) was one of the most successful IYA2009 projects in Mexico.
IYA2009 Closing Ceremony in Portugal
17 March 2010

Portugal will have its Closing Ceremony in tomorrow, the 17th of March. The ceremony will take place in Lisbon, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, from 17:30h local time. You can follow it live in this link: http://live.fccn.pt/fcg/
Check out the program at the Portuguese IYA2009 website: http://www.astronomia2009.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=228&Itemid=154
London's National Maritime Museum scoops award for IYA2009
15 March 2010
The 2009 Visit London Awards have been announced, and receiving gold for Visitor Attraction of the Year is the National Maritime Museum. This prestigious commendation was won for the International Year of Astronomy 2009 at the Royal Observatory Greenwich.
For more information, please visit: http://awards.visitlondon.com/past_winners/index
Keep up-to-date with Communicating Astronomy with the Public 2010 via Twitter
15 March 2010

Science communicators have descended upon Cape Town, South Africa, for the latest Communicating Astronomy with the Public conference, the theme of which is "building on IYA2009".
Follow developments via Twitter: http://twitter.com/search?q=%23CAP2010
For more information about the conference, please see: http://www.communicatingastronomy.org/cap2010/
TWAN Newsletter
15 March 2010
News and Report
- TWAN Confirms Plans for 2010. The World at Night has announced its plans for 2010, from new members to new exhibitions and new publications.
- TWAN welcomes Amir H. Abolfath as a new member.
There are new stunning photos and time-lapse videos on TWAN website, featuring starry nights of the planet's landmarks from all over the our world.
- VLBA Stars by Wally Pacholka
- Canyonlands Starry Sky by Wally Pacholka
- Morning Light of Haleakala by Wally Pacholka
- New England Moonlight by Dennis di Cicco
- Wolf Moon by LeRoy Zimmerman
- Moonlight on Yukon by Yuichi Takasaka
- Yukon Aurora with Star Trails by Yuichi Takasaka
- Moon and Aurora by Kwon O Chul
- All-Sky in Virtual Reality (VR) by Laurent Laveder
- Under Brittany Sky (VR) by Laurent Laveder
- Celestial Triple by Laurent Laveder
- Full Moon Sky by Laurent Laveder
- Mars and Beehive by P-M Heden
- The Hunter Walks (time-lapse video) by P-M Heden
- Colors of Lofoten by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Aurora Night in Norway (time-lapse video) by Bernd Proschold
- Aurora Lake by Bernd Proschold
- Norway Night by Bernd Proschold
- Tangent Arcs above Lake Balaton by Tamas Ladanyi
- Shuttle and Station by Tamas Ladanyi
- anzelhohe Observatory under Moonlight by Tamas Ladanyi
- Observatory Fish-Eye View by Tamas Ladanyi
Asia and Middle East
- New Moon in the Evening Sky by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Moon, Galaxy, and Space Station by Oshin D. Zakarian
- The Vitality of Spring by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Venus and Mercury by Amir H. Abolfath
- Sky Photographer by Amir H. Abolfath
- Young Moon (time-lapse video) by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Metropolis Lights by Amir H. Abolfath
- Eclipse Trail by Amir H. Abolfath
- Celebrating Nowruz Under Stars by Amir H. Abolfath
- Rush Hour by Amir H. Abolfath
- Running Messier by Amir H. Abolfath
- Iran Desert Milky Way by Amir H. Abolfath
- Evening View from Southern Turkey by Tunc Tezel
- Milky Way from Toros Mountains by Tunc Tezel
- Night over Himalayan Villages by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Himalayan Trails by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Heritage Moon by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Observing from Armenia by Amir H. Abolfath
- Byurakan Observatory by Amir H. Abolfath
- Sky Motion above Korean Observatory (time-lapse video) by Kwon O Chul
- Moonlight on Observatory by Kwon O Chul
Pacific Ocean (international waters)
- Enjoying Ocean Sky by Babak A. Tafreshi
Guest Gallery is a well-received section on TWAN website to feature selected outstanding Earth and sky photos by non-TWAN creative photographers from around the globe. If you have such remarkable photos to share with TWAN Guest Gallery, please contact us. There are new featured photos on the Guest Gallery:
- Orion and Canis Major (Iran) by Mostafa Kazemi Pour
- Moonlight over Tsemo Gompa (India) by Milan Kment
- Castlerigg Stone Circle (England) by Stuart Holmes
- Milky Way over Southeast Alaska (USA) by Chip Porter
- 13-hour Observatory Star Trail (France) by Alexandre Santerne
- Pleiades Rising Over Fisher Towers (USA) by David Inskeep
- Enjoying the Deep Sky (Iran) by Babak Parhizkari
- Northern Lights over Yellowknife (Canada) by Alexis Brandeker
- English Channel Star Trails (United Kingdom) by Jonathan Mitchell
- Moon over the river Po (Italy) by Stefano De Rosa
- Smokey Alaskan Moon (USA) by Chip Porter
- Camping Under the Stars (Iran) by Arman Golestaneh
Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), a NASA’s world-known website, has featured new TWAN photos:
- Yukon Aurora with Star Trails by Yuichi Takasaka
- Deep Auriga by Tunç Tezel
- Geostationary Highway by Babak Tafreshi
TWAN is featuring six special galleries:
Latest Images
Dark Skies Importance
Cosmic Motions
World Heritage Sites
TWAN Podcast
TWAN is a global program of Astronomers Without Borders (www.astrowb.org) and a Special Project of International Year of Astronomy 2009, an initiative by IAU and UNESCO. The World at Night is to produce and present a collection of stunning photographs of the world's most beautiful and historic sites against the nighttime backdrop of stars, planets and celestial events. The eternally peaceful sky looks the same above all symbols of different nations and regions, attesting to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories.
Building bridges through the sky
The World at Night
IYA2009 Updates
12 March 2010
GLOBE at Night featured on Earth Science Picture of the Day
A photo of the constellation Orion high above Portugal's noble Cape Espichel Lighthouse has been selected as today's Earth Science Picture of the Day. The picture illustrates GLOBE at Night. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/844/
10 ways to participate in Global Astronomy Month this April!
With three weeks remaining until Global Astronomy Month (GAM) begins in April, Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) has developed Global Programs everyone can take part in. Professional and amateur astronomers, educators and all astronomy enthusiasts worldwide can chose between global star parties, meteor watching, events dedicated to the Moon, the Sun and to Saturn, dark sky pledges, virtual meetings with famous astronomers, remote observations of exoplanets, asteroid discoveries and much more. Below are 10 highlights of these global programs, and there’s much more on the GAM website. Join the global celebration of the Universe this April! http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/843/
Calling all young European radio astronomers
YERAC, the Young European Radio Astronomers' Conference, has been held annually since 1968, circulating around Europe. 20 years ago, in 1990, it was held in Guadalajara (Spain), organised by the National Astronomical Observatory (OAN-IGN). This year, 2010, is special because the 40º edition of YERAC is held. Spain hosts it in Alcalá de Henares, birth-city of Cervantes, organised by OAN-IGN on July 5-8 2010. A special celebration is planned and a visit to Yebes Observatory, where a 40-m radio telescope has been recently built. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/838/
My name is Galileu Galilei
In the framework of IYA2009, a biographic children book about the life and work of Galileo Galilei has been publish in the framework of IYA2009 in Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/842/
Less of Our Light for More Star Light
Over 3700 Globe at Night measurements from around the world so far! Help us reach 10,000 by March 16. With half of the world’s population now living in cities, many urban dwellers have never experienced the wonderment of pristinely dark skies and maybe never will. Light pollution is obscuring people’s long-standing natural heritage to view stars. The GLOBE at Night program is an international citizen-science campaign to raise public awareness of the impact of light pollution by encouraging everyone everywhere to measure local levels of night sky brightness and contribute observations online to a world map. All it takes is a few minutes to participate between 8–10 pm, March 3–16. Your measurements will make a world of difference. For more information, visit the website at: http://www.globeatnight.org/
Interview with Robert Naeye, Editor-in-Chief of Sky & Telescope
The 365 Days of Astronomy podcast has featured an interview with Robert Naeye, Editor-in-Chief of Sky & Telescope magazine, an IYA2009 Media Partner. He talks about amateur astronomy, its past and future. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/837/
Upcoming tribute to the late Arthur C Clarke
19 March 2010 marks the 2nd year death anniversary of late Sir Arthur Clarke. It is hard to imagine we have already made two orbits around the Sun without his presence. Of course his contributions still lives on and will continue to do so. As a tribute to him, the Sri Lanka Astronomical Association in partnership with Arthur C Clarke Estate and the British Council has organised an event for 17 March. This will feature, among other things, an illustrated talk by Arthur C Clarke's research assistant, a question and answer session, and a screening of the film 2010: The Year We Make Contact. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/836/
Hubble's 20th Anniversary brings special opportunity for European science centres and planetariums
This April will mark 20 years in orbit for the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope! In honour of this incredible milestone, ESA, along with American partners NASA and the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) will offer a limited number of high-quality large Hubble prints to selected European science centres and planetariums. Click on the link below for more information and to sign up for this exciting opportunity. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/840/
Beyond IYA2009 shop now taking orders
Demand for Beyond IYA2009 logo-adorned items has resulted in the creation of a shop specifically tailored to cater for those who wish to express their support of continuing astronomy popularisation. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/839/
International Women’s Day: science's talents celebrated on AthenaWeb
Together with the L’Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme AthenaWeb would like to take the opportunity of this International Women’s Day to celebrate the major contributions of women scientists by featuring the videos of the five laureates of the 2010 For Women In Science awards. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/835/
ISU’s 14th Annual International Symposium "The Public Face of Space" resources are online
Resources from the recent symposium "The Public Face of Space" are now online. These include the programme of events, copies of the 48 presented papers, additional manuscripts, copies of the 26 posters, compressed video files of the keynote address and the panel discussions at the end of each session, and a full list of participants. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/833/
Explore our Universe with the University College London
UCL is running a series of free events for schools, families and the general public on 12, 13 and 14 March 2010 as part of the UK's National Science and Engineering Week. These include seeing how scientists are advancing our knowledge, holding rocks older than our planet, building scale Solar System models, using telescopes, and learning about careers in astronomy. http://www.ucl.ac.uk/youruniverse/
GLOBE at Night featured on Earth Science Picture of the Day
12 March 2010
A photo of the constellation Orion high above Portugal's noble Cape Espichel Lighthouse has been selected as today's Earth Science Picture of the Day. The picture illustrates GLOBE at Night.
GLOBE at Night is an annual 2-week campaign, this year running from 3 to 16 March. People all over the world record the brightness of their night sky by matching its appearance toward the constellation Orion with star maps of progressively fainter stars. They submit their measurements online and a few weeks later, organisers release a map of light-pollution levels worldwide.
See the image here: http://epod.usra.edu/blog/2010/03/orion-star-count-and-cape-espichel-lighthouse.html
Learn more about GLOBE at Night here: http://www.globeatnight.org/
10 ways to participate in Global Astronomy Month this April!
11 March 2010
New Global Programs invite everyone to join in
With three weeks remaining until Global Astronomy Month (GAM) begins in April, Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) has developed Global Programs everyone can take part in. Professional and amateur astronomers, educators and all astronomy enthusiasts worldwide can chose between global star parties, meteor watching, events dedicated to the Moon, the Sun and to Saturn, dark sky pledges, virtual meetings with famous astronomers, remote observations of exoplanets, asteroid discoveries and much more. Below are 10 highlights of these global programs, and there’s much more on the GAM website. Join the global celebration of the Universe this April!
1. Living Legends Series – (virtual event) Date to be announced
A highlight of several online interactive events during GAM, the Living Legend Series begins its run during GAM. Streamed live online for everyone to watch, AWB Affiliates around the world will also interact with the special guests. Each program presents a unique opportunity to see and interact with the most fascinating people in astronomy. It’s one of many online programs being presented throughout the month.
2. Is There Anybody Out There? – (remote event) 7th April 00.00 UT
Who hasn’t asked themselves this question? Astronomers have discovered 450 planets outside our Solar System, and you can observe one of them online, sharing the excitement with others around the globe, by the dimming of the light of its “sun” while it crosses in front of it. It’s one highlight of a series of online observing events for everyone.
3. SunDay – (physical event) 11th April
Become a Sun worshipper on 11 April! Our own star is the worldwide focus on this day. Gather your friends to observe the Sun, bring your telescope out for others to see it, make a solar spectroscope, tune in to special programs. Be sure you use the proper methods and filters! SunDay is one of many programs about the Sun to take place during GAM.
4. Saturn Watch – (physical event) from 12th to 16th April
Saturn’s rings are back! They’ve been turned sideways to us and hard to see but this fascinating planet is once again showing off its famous ring system. Saturn Watch begins on 11 April and continues nightly through the 16th. Amateur clubs and sidewalk astronomers are encouraged to plan observing events to share Saturn with the public. It’s one of several programs meant to encourage amateur astronomers to get involved.
5. Beauty Without Borders – Saturn for All – (physical event) 16th April
Beauty Without Borders is a grassroots program begun by amateurs around the world and now coordinated by Astronomers Without Borders to bring more of us together to share celestial highlights with the public, and with each other. This time Saturn is the “beauty”. If you have a telescope, join sidewalk astronomers worldwide who have banded together in this unique program.
6. Write Your Name in the Sky! – (remote event) 15th April 21.30 UT
Asteroids have always intrigued us. They’re mysterious and sometimes frightening when they enter our region of space. In this online remote observing event we face our fears and reveal the secrets of these lonely travelers as we hunt for asteroids in real time. The first to discover one could get naming rights, putting a label in the sky for eternity!
7. Lunar Week – (physical event) from 17th to 23rd April
17 April marks the start of Lunar Week, seven nights dedicated to observing the closest celestial body to Earth and our companion in our yearly journey around the Sun. Moon-themed star parties to observe the Moon through telescopes and by naked eye, educational programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different cultures are just a few ways you can participate in Lunar Week.
8. Lyrids Watch – (physical event) 21st and 22nd April
Meteor showers are one of nature’s great displays: dozens of “falling stars” that scratch the night sky. Dress warmly, lay back and watch the show right above your head. It’s more than a light show, though. The cosmic debris we see burning up in the atmosphere are left over from a comet’s tail. There are records of this meteor shower going back 2600 years. What will this year’s shower be like?
9. One Star at a Time – (dark skies) Dates to be announced
One Star at a Time is looking for a missing object. We’ve lost our Milky Way and we want it back! The Milky Way stretches across the sky, composed of thousands of stars in our galaxy but it’s hidden from view in our cities by the blanket of light we needlessly and wastefully send up into the sky. But what can you do about it? Join this new global project – launching during GAM – and pledge to preserve and protect the starry night sky above your own home or business. Join with others around the world to bring our Milky Way back – One Star at a Time.
10. Global Star Party – 24th April
The excitement generated by Global Astronomy Month comes to a peak on Saturday, 24 April, with the ultimate observing event. The Global Star Party is the time to come out under the stars, bring your own telescope and encourage others to join to bridge gaps across the seas, under the theme “one people, one sky.” Begun during 100 Hours of Astronomy during the International Year of Astronomy, the Global Star Party is an ongoing annual AWB event.
This is just a sampling of the activities available during GAM. Astronomers Without Borders is partnering with many programs to bring them to the grand celebration of the Universe.
Are you holding an event during GAM? Register it on the GAM web site at http://www.astronomerswithoutborders.org/index.php/projects/global-astronomy-month/events.html and share your ideas with astronomy enthusiasts around the globe!
More information:
- Website: www.gam-awb.org
- Blogs: http://gam-awb.org/gam-project-blog.html
- Newsletter subscription:
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/GAM_2010
- Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/globalastronomymonth
Astronomers Without Borders
Astronomers Without Borders is dedicated to fostering understanding and goodwill across national and cultural boundaries by creating relationships through the universal appeal of astronomy. Astronomers Without Borders projects promote sharing, all through a common interest in something basic and universal – sharing the sky.
General inquiries: info@gam-awb.org
Media Contacts:
Mike Simmons
President, Astronomers Without Borders
Chair, GAM2010 Working Group
+1 818 486 7633
Oana Sandu
GAM2010 Public Relations Coordinator
+40 724 024 625
Calling all young European radio astronomers!
10 March 2010
YERAC, the Young European Radio Astronomers' Conference, has been held annually since 1968, circulating around Europe. 20 years ago, in 1990, it was held in Guadalajara (Spain), organised by the National Astronomical Observatory (OAN-IGN).
The main idea behind YERAC is to bring together graduate students and early career radio astronomers to present their work and make contact with their peers. Both scientists and engineers are encouraged to attend. The sessions are exclusively for students/postdocs talks and posters, although a few more experienced researchers are present to answer questions and hold a surgery on presentation techniques or other assistance as required.
This year, 2010, is special because the 40º edition of YERAC is held. Spain hosts it in Alcalá de Henares, birth-city of Cervantes, organised by OAN-IGN on July 5-8 2010. A special celebration is planned and a visit to Yebes Observatory, where a 40-m radio telescope has been recently built.
Directors (of observatory, university group, etc.) are to nominate their students, and a letter of support is required. The conference costs are partially supported by RADIONET FP7. If you need financial support, please indicate so during registration.
For more information, please see: http://www.oan.es/yerac2010/
My name is Galileu Galilei
9 March 2010

In the framework of IYA2009, a biographic children book about the life and work of Galileo Galilei has been publish in the framework of IYA2009 in Portuguese, Spanish and Catalan.
More information:
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