IYA2009 Updates
Today's APOD: Around the World in 80 Telescope
3 April 2009

More information: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/
100 Hours of Astronomy Opening Event: Live!
2 April 2009
100 Hours of Astronomy:Opening Event Live Now on: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/100-hours-of-astronomy
Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day
2 April 2009
Today's Astronomy Picture of the Day is: http://apod.nasa.gov/apod/
Let's Go Stargazing! Your Guide to Getting Started in Astronomy and Exploring the Universe.
1 April 2009
Let's Go Stargazing! Your Guide to Getting Started in Astronomy and Exploring the Universe.
Available here: http://100hoursofastronomy.org/images/100HA_Resources/STletsgo.pdf
From IYA2009 Media Partner: Sky&Telescope
100 Hours of Astronomy Latest News Update
1 April 2009
Only a one day to go now before 100 Hours of Astronomy officially starts - (or less than a 4 hours if you happen to live in the South Pacific). Everything is on track for a successful 100HA global celebration. We will endeavour to keep you up to date with all the latest news as it comes to hand or visit our website for regular updates - www.100hoursofatronomy.org If you haven't already registered your event please do so. http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/eventsmain
100 Hours of Astronomy Event Awards Announced - Applications accepted from April 10.
The 100 Hours of Astronomy team with support from our sponsors Celestron and Explore Scientific are pleased to announce the 100HA award categories for all registered global 100 Hours of Astronomy Sidewalk Astronomy and Star Party events taking place between 2 and 5 April, 2009. (special circumstances may apply if your dates are outside the official event period) To check the award categories and the rules of the competition, please see the Awards page http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/component/content/article/34-site-navigation/226-awards-and-prizes We wish you all the best of luck Please do not send in any applications for the awards until April 10, 2009
IYA 100HA Press Release - Worldwide Celebration Set To Break Astronomy Marathon Records The International Year of Astronomy 2009 Cornerstone project, 100 Hours of Astronomy, is on track to be the largest single science public outreach event ever. More than 1500 events have been registered in over 130 countries and this number is increasing every day. 100 Hours of Astronomy is a truly global project; an event on a scale never attempted before, with more than one million people expected to participate!
Please read more on the IYA2009 website: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/pressreleases/detail/iya0908/
100HA StarParty Videos on Youtube We invite you to watch the webcasts of groups across the world during the 24-Hour Global Starparty on April 4.http://www.youtube.com/group/starparties Go here to find out who's webcasting, when they're doing it, and where to see their webcast. We also encourage other groups to webcast their events-- all you need is a webcam or movie camera and internet connection. for instructions on how to upload your videos, go here:http://100hoursofastronomy.org/index.php?option=com_content&id=240
More Lights Out For 100HA In the city of Jena in Germany (the home of Carl Zeiss) Volkssternwarte/Public Observatory Urania Jena e.V are very happy to report that the ZeissPlanetarium managed to convince the local authorities to turn down the street lighting to a minimum for the 100 Hours of Astronomy celebrations. We are told that this action in Germany, is unique and will be a special highlight for German Astronomy Day on the 4th of April.
The 100HA Task Team
100 Hours of Astronomy: 1 million galaxies in 100 hours
31 March 2009

The team behind the Galaxy Zoo are challenging their users to complete 1 million classifying clicks during the 100 hours of astronomy. Each classification will contribute to the science produced by the project, and you never know what you might discover. Progress will be recorded on the newly invented Zoonometer - go to www.galaxyzoo.org to help classify.
Reminder: Grants Available for IYA2009 Projects
31 March 2009
Deadline this week!!
The IAU and UNESCO have earmarked a certain amount of funding to support IYA2009 related projects and activities in developing regions. This call for proposals comes via the Developing Astronomy Globally cornerstone and is thus targeted at providing seed funding and basic support in order to stimulate astronomy activities in developing regions. Note that although this funding is aimed specifically at "developing countries", exceptions with appropriate motivation will be accepted - the main concern simply being who the beneficiaries would be. Proposals should also be in alignment with the IYA2009 goals and more specifically the Developing Astronomy Globally goals.
More info: http://www.developingastronomy.org/activities.php
Out of this World - Wonders of the Solar System Oberhausen Gasometer, Germany
31 March 2009

Out of this World - Wonders of the Solar System Oberhausen Gasometer from 2 April 2009 - 10 January 2010
The new exhibition "Out of this World - Wonders of the Solar System" in the Oberhausen Gasometer takes visitors on a journey through the cosmos. The exhibition, open to visitors from 2 April 2009 until 10 January 2010, offers spectacular reproductions of our planetary system and fascinating images of strange worlds.
More information:
The World at Night Newsletter - 2009 March 31
31 March 2009
- There are new items on TWAN shop: Large framed print of selected TWAN artwork photographs in normal and panoramic format, general purpose greeting cards and mouse pad illustrated with a TWAN photo.
- TWAN website visitors can more easily find images related to their subject of interest, using the new search engine.
- There are new stunning photos and time-lapse videos on TWAN website, featuring starry nights of the planet's landmarks from Asia and Middle East, to Europe and Americas:
Southern Cross and Volcanic Lava (Hawaii) by Wally Pacholka
Garden of Stars and Snow (Alaska) by Shingo Takei
Night Sky Transforming (Alaska) by Shingo Takei
Starlight Lake Reflections-II (Colorado, time-lapse video) by Thad V'Soske
Cornfield Harvest Moonrise (Colorado, time-lapse video) by Thad V'Soske
Winter Deep Field (Massachusetts) by Dennis di Cicco & Sean Walker
Castle Mountain Startrail by Yuichi Takasaka
Space Shuttle and ISS by Tamas Ladanyi
Zselic Celestial Pair by Tamas Ladanyi
The Rise of Orion by Tamas Ladanyi
Night-shining Clouds by P-M Heden
Cottage Night by P-M Heden
Starry Night of Gers by Laurent Laveder
Above the Lights of London by Laurent Laveder
Asia and Middle East
The Milky Way: Winter vs. Summer by Kwon O Chul
Orion and the Gate of Fortress by Kwon O Chul
Golden Tree by Kwon O Chul
The Shrine Tree by Kwon O Chul
Falling Star by Shingo Takei
Good Morning Moon by Oshin Zakarian
The Spirit of TWAN Photography by Babak Tafreshi
Art of the Past by Oshin Zakarian
Stars of a Chanting Tree by Oshin Zakarian
Galactic Rise by Babak Tafreshi
Comet and Gegenschein by Babak Tafreshi
Venus and Aegean Sea by Tunc Tezel
Venus and Zodiacal Light by Tunc Tezel
Guest Gallery is a well-received section on TWAN website to feature selected outstanding Earth and sky photos by non-TWAN creative photographers from around the globe. If you have such remarkable photos to share with TWAN Guest Gallery, please contact us.
- TWAN is featuring six special galleries:
TWAN is a global program of Astronomers Without Borders (www.astrowb.org) and a Special Project of International Year of Astronomy 2009, an initiative by IAU and UNESCO. The World at Night is to produce and present a collection of stunning photographs of the world's most beautiful and historic sites against the nighttime backdrop of stars, planets and celestial events. The eternally peaceful sky looks the same above all symbols of different nations and regions, attesting to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories.
Building bridges through the sky
The World at Night
100 Hours of Astronomy: ESO takes the public on an astronomical journey “Around the World in 80 Tele
30 March 2009
A live 24-hour free public video webcast, "Around the World in 80 Telescopes", will take place from 3 April 09:00 UT/GMT to 4 April 09:00 UT/GMT, chasing day and night around the globe to let viewers "visit" some of the most advanced astronomical telescopes on and off the planet. The webcast, organised by ESO for the International Year of Astronomy 2009, is the first time that so many large observatories have been linked together for a public event.
More information: http://www.eso.org/public/outreach/press-rel/pr-2009/pr-13-09.html
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