IYA2009 Updates
IYA updates
14 May 2010
The International Decadal Survey of Amateur Astronomy and Astrophysics
The International Decadal Survey of Amateur Astronomy and Astrophysics 2012 will survey areas of astronomy and astrophysics, recommending priorities for the most important professional-amateur scientific and technical collaborations of the decade 2012-2021. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/920/
Take a Virtual Walk on Moon
More than 37 years after humans last walked on the Moon, planetary scientists are inviting members of the public to return to the lunar surface as “virtual astronauts” to help answer important scientific questions. No spacesuit or rocket ship is required -- all visitors need to do is go to www.moonzoo.org and be among the first to see the lunar surface in unprecedented detail. New high-resolution images, taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC), offer exciting clues to unveil or reveal the history of the Moon and our solar system. http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/919/
New Museum Galileo to open to the public in June
The Museo di Storia della Scienza (Museum of the History of Science) has undergone a two-year renovation involving a complete redesign of its exhibition areas and displays. Today, it reopens under the new name of Museo Galileo, the Galileo Museum. The event coincides with the 400th anniversary of Sidereus Nuncius—“the Starry Messenger”—the work published in March 1610 in which Galileo announced the sensational observations made with his telescope. The reopening also marks a fitting conclusion to the celebrations of the International Astronomy Year (2009), a U.N./UNESCO initiative specifically intended to commemorate the celestial discoveries of the scientist from Pisa (1609). http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/918/
ESA Summer workshop for secondary school teachers
The European Space Agency is providing many innovative and inspiring aids to teachers to enhance their curriculum with space related subjects. Now ESA is inviting educators to a summer workshop at its establishment in the Netherlands from 28 to 30 June 2010. More information: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/ESERO_Project/SEMLHF19Y8G_0.html
GEMINI School Observing Competition
In the UK Gemini School Observing Competition you will discover how you can enter this competition and stand a chance to win 1 hour of observing time on the Gemini South telescope, one of the world's largest telescopes! http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/916/
The International Decadal Survey of Amateur Astronomy and Astrophysics
12 May 2010
The International Decadal Survey of Amateur Astronomy and Astrophysics 2012 will survey areas of astronomy and astrophysics, recommending priorities for the most important professional-amateur scientific and technical collaborations of the decade 2012-2021.
The principal goals of the survey will be to carry out an assessment of professional-amateur collaborations in astronomy and astrophysics, both previously recognized and new, and to prepare a concise report, recommending specific projects and areas of scientifically useful pro-am collaborations and studies, addressed to professional and amateur astronomical organizations, agencies supporting the field, the governmental committees with jurisdiction over those agencies, the general scientific community, and the public at large.
More information: https://sites.google.com/site/amastro2012/home
Take a Virtual Walk on Moon
12 May 2010

More than 37 years after humans last walked on the Moon, planetary scientists are inviting members of the public to return to the lunar surface as “virtual astronauts” to help answer important scientific questions. No spacesuit or rocket ship is required -- all visitors need to do is go to www.moonzoo.org and be among the first to see the lunar surface in unprecedented detail. New high-resolution images, taken by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC), offer exciting clues to unveil or reveal the history of the Moon and our solar system.
The Moon Zoo Web site is a citizen science project developed by the Citizen Science Alliance, a group of research organizations and museums, and builds on the team’s success with Galaxy Zoo, which has involved more than 250,000 people in astronomical research.
“We need Web users around the world to help us interpret these stunning new images of the lunar surface,” said Chris Lintott of Oxford University and chair of the Citizen Science Alliance. “If you only spend five minutes on the site counting craters you’ll be making a valuable contribution to science and, who knows, you might run across a Russian spacecraft.”
Scientists are particularly interested in knowing how many craters appear in a particular region of the Moon in order to determine the age and depth of the lunar surface (regolith). Fresh craters left by recent impacts provide clues about the potential risks from meteor strikes on the Moon and on Earth.
“We hope to address key questions about the impact bombardment history of the Moon and discover sites of geological interest that have never been seen before,” said Katherine Joy of the Lunar and Planetary Institute and a Moon Zoo science team member.
NASA Lunar Science Institute (NLSI) scientists are contributing to the Moon Zoo efforts by providing science expertise. NLSI is also providing educational content and supporting outreach goals of the project.
“The NASA Lunar Science Institute is very excited to be involved with Moon Zoo and support lunar citizen science,” said David Morrison, NLSI director. “Science and public outreach are cornerstones of our Institute; Moon Zoo will contribute to the accomplishment of important science, while being a major step forward in participatory exploration.”
“The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Project Science Office is excited to see LRO data being used for citizen science projects,” said Rich Vondrak, LRO project scientist from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. The Moon Zoo project provides an opportunity for everyone to participate in analysis of images from the LRO Camera and to make a significant contribution to scientific knowledge about the Moon.”
New Museum Galileo to open to the public in June
12 May 2010

The Museo di Storia della Scienza (Museum of the History of Science) has undergone a two-year renovation involving a complete redesign of its exhibition areas and displays. Today, it reopens under the new name of Museo Galileo, the Galileo Museum. The event coincides with the 400th anniversary of Sidereus Nuncius—“the Starry Messenger”—the work published in March 1610 in which Galileo announced the sensational observations made with his telescope. The reopening also marks a fitting conclusion to the celebrations of the International Astronomy Year (2009), a U.N./UNESCO initiative specifically intended to commemorate the celestial discoveries of the scientist from Pisa (1609).
The Florence museum is home to the only surviving instruments designed and built by Galileo himself. The most important are two original telescopes and the objective lens of the telescope with which Galileo discovered Jupiter’s moons. More generally, the Museum is the repository for the priceless scientific collections of the two dynasties that once ruled Florence: the Medici and the House of Lorraine. The Museum’s international renown makes the inauguration of the Museo Galileo one of the key cultural events in the world this year.
The Museum’s subtitle will preserve its earlier name of “Istituto e Museo di Storia della Scienza” (Institute and Museum for the History of Science). But the new designation “Museo Galileo” emphasizes the central role of the Galilean heritage in the Florentine institution’s activities and cultural profile. The Museum is not only a showcase for an invaluable legacy of instruments and experimental apparatuses. It operates as an institute engaged in research and documentation, offering scholars from around the world the resources of its specialized library, also available online.
The Museo Galileo’s all-new layout reflects these missions. On display are more than 1,000 instruments and devices of major scientific importance—and exceptional beauty. The central figure is Galileo, with the history of Florence and Tuscany as the background theme. Under the rule of the Medici and Lorraine, the city and the region were a center of excellence for scientific knowledge as well as a thriving cradle for the arts. The events and discoveries that took place there had a deep impact on the history of modern science.
The Museo Galileo features a series of structural and functional innovations. The restoration of the interior of the Palazzo Castellani (which dates from the twelfth century) has emphasized its monumental dimension and architectural distinction. The elegant, state-of-the-art display cases highlight the esthetic quality of the objects on view, while ensuring their perfect conservation. Portable interactive video-guides—used for the first time in a museum—make the most complex instruments fully understandable even to non-specialist visitors. The devices offer access to hypertext pages, 3D animations, and biographies. Visitors can use the video-guides to select an itinerary through the museum tailored to their specific interests.
Careful restoration has returned to its original splendor the famous armillary sphere of Antonio Santucci (late sixteenth century)—a superb model of the Ptolemaic cosmological system—and the fine celestial and terrestrial globes of Vincenzo Coronelli.
The restructuring and new exhibition spaces required an investment of over 8 million euros. Part of the sum—destined to the restoration of exhibition spaces—was contributed by the Italian Ministry of Culture (Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali) and the Tuscan Regional Government (Regione Toscana). The Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze (The Foundation of the Florentine Savings Bank) supported the costs of the new displays.
This endeavour marks the final stage of the ambitious 15-year program to rejuvenate the Florence museum. Its prime objective was to recover the entire floorspace of Palazzo Castellani so that the Museum can conduct its various activities and programs in the same location: research projects, documentation, high-level training, conservation and display of the Museum’s holdings, and dissemination of scientific knowledge through conferences, special events, and shows that have enjoyed considerable international success.
Eighty years since its foundation, in May 1930, the Florence Museum has now been entirely refurbished. It is poised to effectively meet the needs and demands of today’s public, and is ready to face the challenges of innovation.
Exhibition layout
The Museo Galileo’s exhibition layout presents the historical and cultural setting in which the Medici and Lorraine collections were assembled, the places where they were once displayed, the collectors’ goals, and the activities of the scientists who played the leading role in this enterprise.
The focus of the entire exhibit plan is Galileo. The collections of the first Medici Grand Dukes bear eloquent witness to the scientific culture in which Galileo emerged. The instruments and experimental apparatuses acquired by the Lorraines in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries reflect the powerful stimulus provided by Galileo’s discoveries to the development of physical and mathematical sciences in the modern age.
Back in 1841, a monumental space, the Tribuna di Galileo, was built for the Third Congress of Italian Scientists. The installation was intended as a purely celebrative display of Tuscan pride in having given birth to the Pisan scientist and having promoted his pioneering research. By contrast, today’s Museo Galileo tells the history of scientific activity in Florence and Tuscany centered on his emblematic figure. In many respects, this history not only coincides with national history of science, but is linked to leading-edge international research conducted in the same periods. Indeed, the Medici and Lorraines offered patronage and support to highly talented scientists responsible for some of the key theoretical and practical advances in modern science.
The exhibition layout was developed and designed by a team of scholars with expertise in the history of the various disciplines represented in the collection. The displays recount the most significant scientific episodes in which the Tuscan Court acted as the driving force. These include: the cosmographic monuments of the first Grand Dukes (Map Room [Room delle Carte] of Palazzo Vecchio; sundial and astronomical instruments on the facade of the Basilica di Santa Maria Novella; “Mathematics Room” [Stanzino delle matematiche] in the Uffizi, etc.); the momentous and dramatic Galilean experience; the innovative experiments conducted by the Accademia del Cimento at the Pitti Palace; and the advanced research in chemistry, electricity, and physics in the Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale, founded by Peter Leopold of Lorraine in 1775.
The first and second floors are respectively devoted to the two main cores of the collection: the Medici and Lorraine legacies. After an introduction to the Medici collecting tradition (Room I), the Museum presents the outstanding series of astronomical instruments assembled by the early Medici Grand Dukes (Room II). The first was Cosimo I, who was fond of drawing a direct link between the Latin version of his own name, Cosmus, and the Greek term kosmos. The ulterior motive behind this was to imply that heaven itself had assigned him an imperial destiny. It is hardly surprising, therefore, that Cosimo gave special impetus to cosmographic research, putting together an exceptional collection of instruments—particularly astronomical—and promoting scientific projects in the city’s large monumental complexes, from Palazzo Vecchio to Santa Maria Novella (Rooms II-IV).
Cosimo I and his son Ferdinand I also promoted navigation science, a key to fulfilling the expansionist and mercantile ambitions of the Grand Duchy across the ocean. This is evidenced by the strong growth of the port of Livorno (Leghorn) under their rule (Room V). Another crucial field of application of mathematical science was innovation in military technology, which was radically transforming the conception of warfare in that period. War was viewed no longer as a chivalrous art, but as a theater for scientific experiment and mathematical instrumentation (Room VI).
This is the setting in which the young Galileo began his brilliant career. His first major success was the development of the geometrical and military compass. Later, the invention of the telescope and the ensuing astronomical discoveries earned Galileo not only universal fame but a prestigious position at the Medici court (Room VII). Galileo left an indelible mark on astronomy, the science of movement, and—more generally—the physical and mathematical sciences. His influence grew in later decades, thanks to Medici patronage and the work of his disciples, despite his dramatic condemnation by Church authorities in 1633 for his Copernican ideas (Rooms VIII-IX).
After the extinction of the Medici dynasty in 1737, the new government—the House of Lorraine—enhanced and updated the collections. A new home for them was found in 1775, when Peter Leopold set up the Imperiale e Regio Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale in Palazzo Torrigiani, next to the Pitti Palace (Room X). The growing interest in the most striking experimental-science demonstrations among the educated classes in the eighteenth century (Room XI) stimulated the production of new instruments for teaching purposes. The aim was to illustrate discoveries in many fields of scientific research, such as acoustics, thermology, optics, electricity, and chemistry (Rooms XII-XIII). One of the most prominent figures in this area was Giovan Battista Amici, who designed and built optical instruments rivaling the most sophisticated models produced elsewhere in Europe (Room XIV).
As the new science came fully into its own in the eighteenth century, scientific instruments became ever more essential. They made it possible to investigate the most complex natural phenomena, discover the laws that govern them, and reveal aspects of reality not directly perceptible by our senses (Rooms XV-XVI). The Lorraines were significantly involved in pharmaceutical chemistry and in addressing the theoretical and experimental issues debated by European chemists (Room XVII). The success of experimental science among the upper classes created a new market for instrument-makers. In addition to producing unique pieces for collectors, they introduced a series of standard models used in homes for cultural entertainment and self-learning (Room XVIII).
The complex restructuring and renovation of the Museo Galileo notably include restoration work. Thanks to the support of Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, exceptionally valuable instruments such as Antonio Santucci’s armillary sphere and Vincenzo Coronelli’s globes have regained their original splendor. The Santucci sphere exemplifies the unique skills of cosmographers, artists, and craftsmen of the Medici era, who contributed to the formation of a collection unmatched in the world.
ESA Summer workshop for secondary school teachers
12 May 2010
The European Space Agency is providing many innovative and inspiring aids to teachers to enhance their curriculum with space related subjects. Now ESA is inviting educators to a summer workshop at its establishment in the Netherlands from 28 to 30 June 2010.
More information: http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/ESERO_Project/SEMLHF19Y8G_0.html
GEMINI School Observing Competition
10 May 2010
In the UK Gemini School Observing Competition you will discover how you can enter this competition and stand a chance to win 1 hour of observing time on the Gemini South telescope, one of the worlds largest telescopes!
Entering the Competition
To enter the competition is simple, pick a target in the southern sky that you find interesting and tell us in less than 500 words why you think we should pick your target over others, and what you would like to see from the observations. Submit your entry to ukgemini@physics.ox.ac.uk before the deadline of 21st May 2010 and you will stand a chance.
What you will receive
One hour of time on Gemini South to image your object of choice. The option to select numerous filters in order to reveal the most interesting aspects of the object (the choice of which we will be happy to help you with). A visit by a member of the UK Gemini Support Group to take you through the preparation of the observations, and after the data has been taken, a second visit to help you through turning the data that comes from the telescopes into full colour images along with explanation of all that is revealed.
We will also be happy to give talks and carry out question and answer sessions with the pupils at the school as part of the competition.
Important Info
- 500 words maximum
- E-mail to:ukgemini@physics.ox.ac.uk
IYA2009 Updates
7 May 2010
Astronomy enthusiast creates beautifully illustrated and rhyming science book: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/914/
European Planetary Science Congress (EPSC) 2010 (Angelicum Centre – Pontifical University of Saint Thomas Aquinas, 19 – 25 September 2010, Rome, Italy)
Outreach Session: Lunar Outreach as a Tool for Public Engagement in Planetary Science
This session will bring together amateur astronomers, educators, researchers, and scientists active in the field of lunar science to discuss the latest developments in outreach activities for promoting public engagement in planetary science. The link to this is here: http://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EPSC2010/sessionprogramme/OA
Convener contacts: M. Anand (m.anand@open.ac.uk)and D. Daou (doris.daou-1@nasa.gov)
Media in Education Newsletter May 2010: Highlights in Media Education include: an introduction to EuroCreator, offering video resources to European teachers; an insight into an innovative special interest group on educational podcasting; an article about the MEDEA 2009 Finalist, Studiecoach, produced by the Dutch Open University; an introduction to KlasCement, offering video resources to Dutch-speaking teachers; several calls for related competitions such as the EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards and the JAPAN PRIZE; and an interesting collection of articles, publications and announcements about developments and publications in the field of media and education. Full PDF here: http://www.media-in-education.net/files/Media-in-Education_Newsletter_2010-05.pdf
A Google Lunar X PRIZE LEGO MINDSTORMS Challenge!
MoonBots is an exciting new contest that challenges teams of students (ages 9 and up) and adults from around the globe to learn about robotics, the Moon, and space exploration by designing and constructing a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that performs simulated lunar missions. To learn more or register a team, visit www.MoonBots.org
Insight into a Galilean Nights event: Staunch IYA2009 supporter Upamanyu Moitra has released his Galilean Nights event overview. He writes about aspects such as publicity and the public's reaction, as well as details of the event itself. Says Upamanyu, "I credit the success of the event to Mum, Dad, Sister and Granny without whose help it would have been impossible for me to do this." IYA2009 also credits success to Upamanyu himself. Read the report and see photographs here: http://upamanyuspeaks.blogspot.com/2010/05/galilean-nights-event-overview.html
Successful Mobile Exhibition Project test and star party in Iraq: The Amateur Astronomers Association of Kurdistan / Iraq (AAAK) has launched its Mobile Exhibition Project (MEP). Its main target is to allow students to look and learn about astronomy and the Universe through selected astrophotos. Topics include the history of astronomy, modern equipment, galaxies, nebulae, the Solar System and planets, AAAK activity shots, and AAAK honorary members around the world.More info: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/909/
Meeting: Astronomy and Power How Worlds are Structured
August 30 - September 4, 2010, Gilching (Germany)
More information: http://www.seac-2010.vhs-gilching.org/index.php
Astronomy enthusiast creates beautifully illustrated and rhyming science book
6 May 2010

James Lu Dunbar describes himself as "an enthusiastic amateur with a library card." He took it upon himself to create a book to explain the mysteries of the Universe.
Says James, "The basic story is that I want to make books that can help make the world a better place. As a child I thought that if a book didn't rhyme and have lots of illustrations, it wasn't worth my time, so I'm trying to make rhyming, illustrated books that will capture the attention of as young an audience as possible. I've always loved science, and understanding how things work, and at some point I struck upon the idea to write and illustrate a book for children about the history of everything, starting with the Big Bang, and covering the most important developments of the 13 billion years since. With the help of some amazing technologies, I was able to not only research, write and illustrate such a book, but I've also been able to publish, publicise and market it myself."
The book "BANG! The Universe Verse" spans 40 pages and is illustrated throughout. It will be of use to curious children, as well as educators and parents.
James continues, "I have no connections, experience, budget or marketing team, so I'm starting my publicity campaign from scratch and have decided that the best way to get my name out there is to make the book available for free as a PDF. I believe that science literacy and understanding is beneficial to us all and I'm hoping to reach as many people (especially children) with this book. By making it free, I'm hoping to reach as wide an audience as possible and spread a healthy curiosity and enthusiasm for science. I think that when people understand the miraculous nature of the world around them, they tend to respect it more and appreciate all the diversity which makes it so worth living in."
The IYA2009 network is encouraged to utilise the book, and also help spread the word so that as many people as possible worldwide may enjoy it.
To view James' website, please visit: http://jldunbar.com/JLDunbar.com/View_BANG!.html
To request a free PDF book, e-mail James: dunbarjam@gmail.com
Media in Education May 2010
6 May 2010
Highlights in Media Education include:
- an introduction to EuroCreator, offering video resources to European teachers
- an insight into an innovative special interest group on educational podcasting
- an article about the MEDEA 2009 Finalist, Studiecoach, produced by the Dutch Open University
- an introduction to KlasCement, offering video resources to Dutch-speaking teachers
- several calls for related competitions such as the EUROPRIX Multimedia Awards and the JAPAN PRIZE
- and an interesting collection of articles, publications and announcements about developments and publications in the field of media and education
A Google Lunar X PRIZE LEGO MINDSTORMS Challenge!
6 May 2010

MoonBots is an exciting new contest that challenges teams of students (ages 9 and up) and adults from around the globe to learn about robotics, the Moon, and space exploration by designing and constructing a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that performs simulated lunar missions.
The MoonBots challenge is divided into two phases:
Phase 1 (April 15-May 28) During Phase I, teams study the Moon's surface and an illustration of the challenge field and use the results of this study to digitally design a LEGO MINDSTORMS robot that can solve the MoonBots challenge. A team of judges select 20 teams to move on to Phase II.
Phase II (June 21-August 14) During Phase II, teams are given a LEGO MINDSTORMS set and a MoonBots challenge field and must build their robot and solve the lunar challenge. A live, online video demonstration caps the team experience! Prizes will be awarded to the top three teams of Phase II with the grand prize being a trip for the team to the LEGO Company headquarters in Billund, Denmark! All Phase II team members will receive a two-year subscription to Wired magazine.
To learn more or register a team, visit www.MoonBots.org! Registration is open April 15-May 15. There is no cost to participate.
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