IYA2009 Updates
International Year of Astronomy 2009 and St Patrick's day
24 March 2009
Astronomy was the theme for St Patrick's day parades in all major cities of Ireland. In Dublin, this year's theme for the festival Parade was ‘The Sky's the Limit!'. Over 675,000 people lined the Dublin streets and over six million were watching either live on RTE or through the internet. Thousands of performers and characters joined together in a carnival of dancing and music as they wowed on-lookers with uniquely commissioned original pageants accompanied by marching bands from Ireland and across the globe, with several pageants exploring the link between humanity, astronomy and space. The International Year of Astronomy 2009 was well branded along the length of the entire parade on billboards and in the pageants. In Downpatrick, the highlight of the festival was the famous St Patrick's Cross Community Carnival Parade, which for 2009 embraced the theme of ‘The Sun, the Moon and the Stars'.
The Cork Parade, announced by Blackrock Castle Observatory in conjunction with the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in all television, radio and press coverage, saw over 65,000 people celebrating the theme of ‘Cosmic Chaos'. Schools, community groups, voluntary and sporting organizations, musical and circus companies joined in the revelries in a riot of colour and astronomical performance! Rockets, robots and radio telescopes vied for space with stars and planets, cosmic serpents, the elements, scientists and lots of little green men. Cork welcomed Professor Michael Redfern, School of Physics, NUI Galway and SPOC and Chair of the Irish committee for IYA2009 in attendance at the Cork St Patrick's Day Parade as Galileo Galilei.
Click here for an online RTE report on the Cork parade.
Click on the above images to see more photographs from this year's St Patrick's day parade in Dublin and Cork.
More information: http://astronomy2009.ie/official_press_releases/iya_2009_Ireland.html
Moon for all Mankind
23 March 2009
The year 2009 marks the 400th anniversary of the first use of an astronomical telescope by Galileo Galilei and the 40th anniversary of the Apollo 11 first Moon landing. The IYA2009 Malta Committee would like to commemorate both events with a project to involve several countries around the world. The idea: image the Moon in the spirit of Apollo 11 "in peace for all mankind", combined with the ideals of IYA2009 to popularise astronomy with the public and also to increase interest in science.
Interested countries are asked to contact Apolen Observatory where they will be assigned one of the above portions of the Moon by the IYA2009 Malta Committee. Each individual country will image its portion of the Moon on the night of a full Moon, on the 9th May or 7th June 2009. These images will be sent electronically (via e-mail or CD by post) to Mr Leonard Ellul Mercer at the Apolen Observatory in Malta, where a collage of all images will be produced.
The final collage of images of the Moon will then be distributed around the world as collaboration between different countries of the world in the spirit of "The Moon for all Mankind".
More information:
Dr Gordon Caruana Dingli gordoncd@maltanet.net
IYA2009 Malta National Node
Mr Leonard Ellul Mercer lellulmercer@gmail.com
Apolen Observatory,
Villa Bellina, Old Railway Track, Attard ATD 1231, Malta (EU)
StarPeace Update
23 March 2009
This is the first newsletter of StarPeace special global project of International Year of Astronomy 2009.
We will send weekly newsletters containing a digest of news and events in StarPeace project. In addition, we will announce latest news of our International collaborations such as YurisNight project. StarPeace project will connect the beauty of the sky with peace of heavens among all people who admire the sky and peace. So StarPeace Newsletter will cover all the related news about Public Star Parties and Peace projects around the globe.
New Features on StarPeace Website:
How can I participate in StarPeace project? http://www.starpeace.org/En/Participate/Default.aspx
If you are among one of these categories it is our pleasure to have your help in order to reach to StarPeace goals:
- Interested in Astronomy
- Promoter of Science
- Promoter of Peace
- Student
- Teacher, Lecturer, Professor
- Amateur Astronomer
- Astronomical Society or Club
- Professional Astronomer
- IYA2009 National Node
- Tend to Sponsor the Project
FAQ: Do you have any question about StarPeace? Check StarPeace FAQ page: http://www.starpeace.org/En/faq/Default.aspx
International Collaborations: Do you want to participate in projects and programs as like as StarPeace, check this page frequently: http://www.starpeace.org/En/IntlCollab/Default.aspx
YurisNight: This is an exclusive page of YurisNight project in International Collaborations page of StarPeace website: http://www.starpeace.org/En/IntlCollab/YurisNight/Default.aspx
And check StarPeace Updates:
StarPeace Precept in PDF format is available on Multimedia page: http://www.starpeace.org/En/Multimedia/Default.aspx#PreceptStarPeace
Check new StarPeace clubs on: http://www.starpeace.org/En/Clubs/Default.aspx (Now 21 clubs from 18 countries around the world joined StarPeace)
StarPeace on Social Networks:
Latest news and updates on Twitter: http://twitter.com/starpeace
Fascinating animations of IYA2009 on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/StarPeaceProject
Network of StarPeace colleagues and fans on FaceBook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=60465787740
Latest News of Public Star/Space Parties around the world:
A World Astronomy Festival: Celebrate the sky and learn about astronomy for 100 hours, from 2-5 April: http://www.starpeace.org/En/News/29/Default.aspx
A World Festival for Space: Celebrate Yuri's Night on Yuri's week, from April 4th- 12th: http://www.starpeace.org/En/News/28/Default.aspx
StarPeace in Media:
Forbes Magazine website: One project, called StarPeace, aims to connect people living on opposite sides of land or sea borders via joint "star parties." http://www.forbes.com/2009/02/26/year-of-astronomy-opinions-contributors_galileo_unesco.html
In Persian:
Iran Newspaper: http://iran-newspaper.com/1387/871021/html/iran.htm#s942393
Quds Newspaper: http://www.qudsdaily.com/archive/1387/html/12/1387-12-20/page18.html#3
Etemaad Newspaper: http://www.etemaad.ir/Released/87-12-10/215.htm
Javan Newspaper: http://www.javannewspaper.com/1387/871110/society.htm
JameJam Newspaper: http://jamejamonline.ir/papertext.aspx?newsnum=100896380369
StarPeace in Blogs:
CosmicDairy: http://cosmicdiary.org/blogs/shashikiran_ganesh/?p=13
100HA, Blog: http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/blogs/viewpost/138
Kutch Amateur Astronomy Club: http://kutchastronomy.blogspot.com/2009/02/star-peace-program-at-bhuj-with-lahore.html
NGOs (in Persian): http://ngos.blogfa.com/post-52.aspx
DAWN project, blog: http://dawn-iya2009.blogspot.com/2009/01/star-peace-project-iya2009-special.html
StarPeace Recommendations in This Week:
YurisNight 2009: If you are interested in space, if you are one of Yuri's fans, if you want to celebrate the human entrance into space and do something about it, the best way is ahead: The world space party is about to kick off, from 4-12 April; Join them at http://www.yurisnight.net/
100 Hours of Astronomy: It is the biggest astronomy festival! Everyone from around the world is going to celebrate the sky for 100 hours, from 2-5 April. Every astronomer, professional or amateur is involved. Join them at: http://100hoursofastronomy.org/
StarPeace welcomed volunteers to translate this newsletter into their mother tongue. If anyone is volunteer contact we at info@starpeace.org and we will give you every newsletter two days before publishing for translating.
The World at Night Exhibitions on Six Continents
23 March 2009
The World at Night exhibitions expand to six continents in March and April 2009
Italy is hosting a new major TWAN exhibition comprising 100 large images from The World at Night in Turin. Organized by Mirafiori Art Gallery, Photography Association of Turin and TWAN, the exhibition is on display at Mirafoiri Motor village March 20 to 26. The opening event of the exhibition featured TWAN-Europe coordinators Gernot Meiser and Pascale Demy presenting large-screen public programs about The World at Night and their own adventures chasing eclipses around the world.
The exhibition was widely promoted in the Italian media with feature articles and advertisements in several magazines, including Focus. Interviews with The World at Night Director Babak Tafreshi were carried by several newspapers including the widely-read Repubblica. The exhibition will travel to other venues in the region throughout the International Year of Astronomy 2009. The next stop for the exhibition after the Mirafiori Gallery is Clizia Museum - palace of Luigi Einaudi in Chivasso, 20 km northeast of Turin, where it will be housed from April 4 to September 6.
A TWAN traveling exhibition in Germany, coordinated by TWAN-Europe representatives Gernot Meiser and Pascale Demy, opened at the Communication Museum of Berlin in February 2009. The exhibition travels next to Cologne where it will be hosted by Globetrotter, one of the Europe's largest camping and trekking stores, beginning March 27 to April 14. TWAN photographer Gernot Meiser will provide a presentation on March 26, and TWAN photographer Bernd Proschold will present some of his work in time-lapse videos of cosmic motions during the exhibition and starting on opening day, March 27.
The very popular Stuttgart Planetarium in southern Germany is the site of yet another TWAN-Germany exhibition, with images on display from March 31 to May 17. A large-screen show will also be presented in the planetarium's lecture hall. The coordinator of this event, TWAN photographer Gernot Meiser, will give a special presentation about TWAN at the planetarium on April 3.
North America:
The University of Mississippi will be the site of the first North American TWAN exhibition with 33 images displayed in the university's charming public library beginning March 31. The exhibition's opening day events include a special presentation by TWAN photographer Wally Pacholka in the historic Barnard Observatory. The exhibition continues throughout April and will be integrated with the university's special events for 100 Hours of Astronomy, a cornerstone project the International Year of Astronomy 2009 taking place from April 2 to 5.
South America:
The second Astronomy and Astronautic International Meeting in Campos dos Goytacazes, Brazil is the starting point for a new TWAN traveling exhibition beginning April 17. Organized by Astronomers Without Borders' coordinator for Latin America, Marcelo Souza, the meeting will host a large TWAN exhibition throughout its four-day run and will feature a day-long TWAN night sky photography workshop held by TWAN director Babak Tafreshi. Astronauts and well-known Brazilian astronomers will attend the meeting, and Tafreshi and Astronomers Without Borders president Mike Simmons will be invited speakers. The exhibition will travel to various education and art centers in the region through the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) in Chile, a country famous for spectacular dark skies, will have more stars on display in the form of a traveling TWAN exhibition created by TWAN photographer Stephane Guisard. Opening in early April as part of the 100 Hours of Astronomy cornerstone project of the International Year of Astronomy 2009, the exhibition begins in Antofagasta, a port city in northern Chile. The exhibition is expected to continue to several other cities throughout the year, possibly including the Chile's capital city, Santiago.
The South Africa national node of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (IYA2009) has organized a exhibition that will travel around that country from late March to the end of the year. Consisting of 40 TWAN images, the exhibition will travel to various educational and public venues around the country in conjunction with the national node's other IYA2009 outreach programs. Astronomy education and popularization in under-served areas of the country are a special focus of the national nodes programs. South Africa becomes the first sub-Saharan country to host a TWAN exhibition. Algeria in north Africa hosted a TWAN exhibition in 2008.
As the first TWAN exhibition in East Asia held in Seoul, Korea from March 1 to 22, a second TWAN-Korea exhibition has just been arranged. The new exhibition of more than 40 The World at Night artwork photographs will be on display in the National Science Museum in Daejeon from April 1 to 26. These exhibitions were coordinated by TWAN photographer Kwon O Chul with support from the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (National Observatory) and the Korea national node of the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
April 2009 will see Australia's first look at TWAN with an exhibition of 20 TWAN images in the Horizon Planetarium of Scitech, the leading science museum in Perth, Western Australia. The opening of the exhibition will feature a special presentation about the project by TWAN photographer John Goldsmith of Western Australia. Scietch will also feature TWAN images in their interactive exhibition "Out There" during May in collaboration with the University of Western Australia as part of their school outreach programs for the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
The World at Night exhibitions, shows, and educational events are thus for ongoing or planned in more than 30 countries during the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and beyond. To learn more about TWAN world-wide events please visit our Events page.
More information: http://www.twanight.org
Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2009
21 March 2009
The Royal Observatory of Greenwich is proud to present Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2009 - a brand new, free competition and exhibition for everyone who loves the night sky.
There are three main competition categories. Judges will select one winner, one runner up and three highly commended entries from each, before deciding an overall winner to be crowned Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2009. There is also a special competition category for under 16s: Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year.
The categories and prizes are:
Overall winner - Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2009
Prize: £1000
Earth and Space
This is for photos that include landscape, people and other 'Earthly' things. Your picture should also include an astronomical subject - for example the stars, the Moon, or near-Earth phenomena such as aurora.
Winner: £250
Runner up: £100
Highly commended entries: £50
Our Solar System
This is for photos of our Sun and its family of planets, moons, asteroids and comets.
Winner: £250
Runner up: £100
Highly commended entries: £50
Deep Space
This is for photos of anything beyond our Solar System, including stars, nebulae and galaxies.
Winner: £250
Runner up: £100
Highly commended entries: £50
Young Astronomy Photographer of the Year
This is the competition category for under 16s.
Winner: £250
Runner up: £100
Highly commended entries: £50
Enter, or just enjoy the gorgeous images from people from all over the world!
Source: Greenwich Observatory
UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science
20 March 2009
The UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science is an international distinction created by UNESCO in 1952 following a donation from Mr Bijoyanand Patnaik, Founder and President of the Kalinga Foundation Trust in India.
The purpose of the Prize is to reward the efforts of a person who has had a distinguished career as writer, editor, lecturer, radio/television programme director or film producer, which has enabled him/her to help to interpret science, research and technology to the public. He/she is expected to have knowledge of the role of science, technology and general research in the improvement of public welfare, the enrichment of the cultural heritage of nations and the solutions to the problems of humanity. The objective of the Prize is in conformity with UNESCO's policies and is related to the Programme of the Organization in the field of promoting public awareness in science. Many past Prize winners have been scientists in their own right, while others have been trained in journalism or have been educators or writers.
Each nomination is submitted to the Director-General by the governments of Member States, in consultation with their National Commissions, and by non-governmental organizations maintaining formal relations with UNESCO. A self-nomination cannot be considered.
(See who may apply and how to apply)
The laureate is selected by the Director-General of UNESCO upon the recommendation of a four-member Jury designated by him. Three members of the Jury from different countries around the world are designated on the basis of equitable geographical distribution and the fourth on the recommendation of the Kalinga Foundation Trust.
The Prize is awarded biennially in the same year as the UNESCO General Conference (in odd years). It is normally awarded by the Director-General at an official ceremony held for the purpose in the place where UNESCO celebrates World Science Day, on 10 November. UNESCO presents the prize-winner with a cheque for the amount of £10,000, a certificate and the UNESCO-Albert Einstein silver medal.
The Kalinga Prize also enables the recipient of the Kalinga Prize also travels t oIndia as the guest as the guest of the Government of India. He/she is provided with appropriate facilities to familiarize him/herself with Indian life and culture, Indian research and educational institutions, and the development of India's industry and economy. He/she is also invited to visit Indian universities and attend meetings of Indian scientific societies, particularly those of the Indian Science Congress Association. While in India, the recipient will be asked to deliver lectures in English and take part in meetings, on recent progress in science and technology or the social, cultural and educational consequences of modern science. Thus, he/she should preferably be proficient in English.
The Kalinga Prize for the Popularization of Science is administered by the Division for Science Policy and Sustainable Development.
Consult the Regulations for the Award of the Kalinga Prize
100 Hours of Astronomy Update
20 March 2009
We only have 13 days to go before the start of the 100 Hour of Astronomy celebration. Everything is on and track and looking good for a successful global event. We have a number of new items to tell you about which we hope you will find of interest.
Please Note: To be eligible for awards, and certificates your 100 Hours of Astronomy event must be registered on our Global Map Registry.
Awards, Reports and Recognition
* We will announce the creation of awards and award categories for Registered 100HA public sidewalk astronomy events. Prizes for these awards have been kindly sponsored by Celestron. Look for more information in a future announcement on this mailing list.
* A final100HA event report form is being designed to fill in and post online once the celebration is over - this will allow the rest of the global network a chance to see how other events fared and will help to gather data for the 100HA award winners.
* Personalised 100HA certificates for registered group events will be available for download. These have been designed to recognise your participation in this unprecedented event - the first of its kind.
80 Telescopes Around the World
Our exciting live webcasts from major research observatories around the world now has a new name - '80 Telescopes Around the World.' Many long hours have gone into fine tuning this event.
Don't forget to watch "Around the World in 80 Telescopes", a major webcast during 100HA. This unique 24-hour live webcast will feature some of the most advanced astronomical observatories both on and off the planet, letting you see images of the cosmos, send in questions, and discover what astronomers are doing right now. To see a schedule, and a sneak preview video, visit
The webcast will be broadcast through Ustream, and will therefore also appear at http://www.ustream.tv/channel/100-hours-of-astronomy
We encourage you to spread the word, and embed the "100 Hours of Astronomy" Ustream video player on your own website.
HOT NEWS! We're excited to welcome some recent additions to our program: the newly launched planet-hunting Kepler Mission and, direct from the South Pole, the IceCube Neutrino Observatory and the South Pole Telescope!
Don't forget to visit our Blog, Picture Gallery and Forum Pages
These are good places to share new ideas, upload pictures from your events, get advice and find answers to your questions about organizing or attending 100 Hours of Astronomy events.
New Sponsor, Sky & Telescope
100 Hours of Astronomy welcomes our newest sponsor, Sky & Telescope. http://www.skyandtelescope.com We thank S&T for the use of their Lets Go Stargazing Guide as a free downloadable resource for everyone to use. To get your copy visit our resources page http://www.100hoursofastronomy.org/all-content#faqs_factsheets This document is 3.5MB but well worth the download. Sky and Telescope Subscription Offer
Please Support the IYA2009, 100 Hours of Astronomy project by subscribing to Sky and Telescope magazine through the link on our web site. A small portion of all new and renewed subscriptions goes to this project .
Spread the word - this offer is available to anyone visiting our web site.
Spread the Word
We know there are thousands of 100 Hours of Astronomy events worldwide that have not yet been registered on our web site. While registration is not mandatory only those events that are registered will be eligible for the programs listed above -- and much more to come. If you know of other events in your area that have not yet registered on the official 100 Hours of Astronomy IYA2009 Cornerstone Project web site please tell them not to miss out on the programs you're enjoying.
Follow us on Twitter!
You can now get Twitter updates from us at: http://twitter.com/100Hours for the whole 100HA event and http://twitter.com/telescopecast for the "Around the World in 80 Telescopes" live 24-hour webcast
New 100HA Website Server
Just recently the 100HA website was moved to a new server to cope with the huge amount of data being uploaded and downloaded from our website.
We have also had a number of issues with the Google Map Registry failing to cope with the hundreds of registered events. This problem is being diagnosed and we hope to have the 100HA global maps loading a little faster than they were. Please do be patient if you are finding the download times a problem.
We wish to thank our great webteam for organising the server change and for all the hard work they are doing to keep the site well maintained and looking good.
Fingers Crossed for Clear skies!
2009 International Youth Camp on Astronomy and World Heritage Welcomes You
20 March 2009
The United Nations 62nd General Assembly proclaimed 2009 the International Year of Astronomy on 20
December 2007, and UNESCO was designated as the lead agency and focal point for the Year. As UNESCO category 2 Institute, Suzhou Center of World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region (WHITR-AP) will hold 2009 International Youth Camp on Astronomy and World Heritage in Suzhou, a perfect place in world-wide to observe total solar eclipse during July 17th to July26,2009.
The Summer Camp is open to all nationalities and young students between 16 years and 20 years old who interested in Astronomy and World Heritage. The objective of the Astronomy and World Heritage thematic camp is to teach youth some knowledge about Astronomy and World Heritage and give them a methodological framework for associated actions, to offer youth a precious opportunity to observe total solar eclipse with more than 5 minutes, to offer youth sharing different culture within a warm 80- person family, to be a World Heritage Defender (Patrimonito) after 10-day's World Heritage education. Youth will study World Heritage and astronomy-related knowledge; learn World Heritage in Young Hand, which compiled by the UNESCO; observe five- minute- total solar eclipse; visit World Heritage the classical gardens of Suzhou; discuss hot topics such as World Heritage and Peace, World Heritage and Environment, World Heritage and Tourism; simulate declaration Ancient Chinese Astronomy sites as World Heritage on China Youth Astronomy Science Forum. The declaration will be shown on International Conference on Dynamic Solar Corona and its Impact on Space Weather and be submitted to World Heritage Center (WHC) of UNESCO. Mr. FANG Cheng, vice chairman of International Astronomical Union (IAU) is engaged as a technical advisor.
The qualified youth will get Patrimonito Certificate from the Chinese National Federation of UNESCO; excellent youth will also get the title of 2009 total solar eclipse volunteers from International Astronomical Union, the Chinese Astronomical Society, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Suzhou Municipal Government.
Organizers: China National Federation of UNESCO , World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region, the Chinese Astronomical Society Sponsors: Suzhou Gardens and Landscaping Administration Bureau; Suzhou Center of World Heritage Institute of Training and Research for the Asia and the Pacific Region Co-organizer: Landesschulbehörde of Lower Saxonie (Germany),Suzhou Foreign Language School; Suzhou
Youth Astronomical Observatory
Time: July 17th to 26th, 2009
Charges: 380$, including 10 days accommodations, learning materials, visits and other expenses, excluding the round-trip cost from your country to Suzhou.
1. Registration time is from February 1, to June 20, 2009.
2. More information at www.cnwh.org, www.whitr-ap.org and www.astronomy2009.org
Please contact: Ms. CAO Fengjiao Email: whitr_suzhou@yahoo.cn
Tel: +86-512-67552305 Fax: +86-512-67552505
Havana Planetarium and Science Centre: International Partnerships for Astronomy Cooperation
20 March 2009

This summer the Cuban Capital, Havana, will open a new planetarium and science centre, the Centro Cultural de Ciencia y Tenologia "Rosa Elena Simeón". The centre is being built as part of the renovation of the Old Town of Havana (Habana Vieja) declared Human Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. This project is managed by astronomer Oscar Alvarez, of the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Environment (CITMA: Ciencia, Tecnologia, y Medio Ambiente), the IYA2009 Single Point of Contact in Cuba.
This new planetarium and cultural centre is the main IYA2009 activity in Cuba and it has long been a dream for Cuban astronomers. But the planetarium will not be an ordinary one; the dome will be a full sphere, with the outside painted to resemble the solar surface when viewed under special illumination, and surrounded by scale models of the planets. Visitors will take a helical ramp to the seating level, and along the way will see images marking a timeline of events in cosmic history, beginning with a vivid representation of the Big Bang.
The new science centre is also an excellent example of international cooperation for development. The Japanese Government is one of the main supporters of the project and has donated funds to buy both the planetarium projector and media system for the cosmic theatre inside the sphere. The Spanish firm Kelonik has been contracted for the interior lighting and sound system in the main hall, which will show a starry background with a realistic sky representation. The University of Alabama, in addition to information-based support, is providing large image prints for the "Powers of 10" exhibit illustrating the cosmic timeline. We have also acted as liaison for an installation of the From Earth to the Universe exhibition which will open the new centre. A selection of 33 images from the exhibition have been produced and carried to Havana in December 2008. These will be followed later in 2009 by the set of large images.
More information:
IYA2009 in Cuba: http://www.astronomy2009.org/organisation/nodes/national/view/CU/
From Earth to the Universe: http://www.fromearthtotheuniverse.org/
University of Alabama and IYA2009 in Cuba: :http://astronomy2009.us/storytelling/2009/02/15/cuba-alabama-and-the-international-year-of-astronomy/
IYA2009 Update
20 March 2009
Grants available for IYA2009 projects in Developing Countries
The IAU and UNESCO are pleased to announce a call for grants proposals for IYA2009 projects and activities. If you think you could benefit from these, then be sure to find out more by going to http://www.developingastronomy.org/activities.php
100 hours of Astronomy, 13 days to go!!
100 Hours of Astronomy is around the corner. We would like to call you attention to one of the highest profile activities during the “100 Hours of Astronomy” : “Around the world in 80 telescopes”, a live 24-hour broadcast from the largest and most advanced telescopes in the world taking place from 3 April 09:00 UT to 4 April 09:00 UT. We strongly encourage you to contact your partners, science centres, planetaria, bloggers, web media, broadcasters and press to let them know about this event and motivate them to show this program to as many people as possible.
But don't forget all the other events: Opening Event, Live Sceince Centers Webcats, 24-hour Global Star Party and Sun Day!
Stay tuned in the 100 Hours of Astronomy website: www.100hoursofastronomy.org
IYA2009 logo has been blasted off into space!
On 15 March, the Space Shuttle Discovery launched toward the International Space Station. On board was Japanese astronaut and IYA2009 supporter Koichi Wakata. He took with him a special Official Flight Kit prepared by the IYA2009 Japan Committee, proudly displaying the IYA2009 logo. The kit will be brought back to Earth, and displayed in Japan this autumn. For more information, please visit http://www.astronomy2009.jp/ (Japanese) and http://cosmicdiary.org/blogs/jaxa/seiichi_sakamoto/?p=254 (English).
Star Walk: astronomy for everybody
Astronomy software for Apple iPhones are being endorsed by IYA2009. Learn more about Star Walk here: http://www.astronomy2009.org/resources/products/starwalk/
Hawaiian Starlight - exploring the Universe from Mauna Kea
For the International Year of Astronomy 2009, the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT) is releasing a DVD movie about astronomy from Mauna Kea. Click for more information:http://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/HawaiianStarlight/iya09.html andhttp://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/dvd/
NASA celebrates Sun-Earth Day with illuminating webcast
NASA scientists will reveal new information and images about our Sun and its influence on Earth and the Solar System for Sun-Earth Day, recognised each year in conjunction with the spring equinox. The highlight of this year's celebration is a webcast for students and teachers around the world, beginning at 10 a.m. PDT (1 p.m. EDT), Friday, 20 March. For more, go to http://sunearthday.nasa.gov/2009/index.php. For streaming TV go to http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/index.html
ESO Messenger: ESO and the International Year of Astronomy 2009 Opening Ceremony
The European Southern Observatory's contributions to the International Year of Astronomy 2009 and the Opening Ceremony, held in Paris in January 2009, are summarised in the latest ESO Messenger: http://www.eso.org/sci/publications/messenger/archive/no.135-mar09/messenger-no135-54.pdf
Getting astronomers Involved in IYA2009: Astronomer in the Classroom Program
The University of Hawaii Institution for Astronomy and Interstellar Studios will be facilitating the exciting new IYA2009 educational program, Astronomer in the Classroom, starting next month. They need astronomers interested in volunteering three hours for this worthy activity. Could this be you? http://www.astronomerintheclassroom.org/
Special telescope package and online seminar now available
IYA2009 is attracting more people to invest in telescopes to observe the heavens. But buying an instrument is one thing... using it can be quite another! Fortunately, the "Astronomie-Startpaket" is available on Amazon's German site, giving a complete package for budding amateur astronomers. To learn more, please visit: http://www.amazon.de/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001QUBOY4/baaderplanet-21/
Silicon Valley astronomy lectures IYA2009 event draws almost 900 people to talk at Foothill College
Wednesday, March 4th, over 850 people attended one of the public IYA2009 events planned at Foothill College (near San Francisco), as part of the Silicon Valley Astronomy Lectures, which is this year celebrating its 10th anniversary of bringing free public lectures by noted astronomers to a wide public. The series is jointly sponsored by: the Astronomical Society of the Pacific, the SETI Institute, NASA's Ames Research Center, and the Foothill College Astronomy Program. For more on the series, see: http://www.astrosociety.org/education/podcast/index.html and a number of past events are available as podcasts.
DSA: GLOBE at Night 2009: 16-28 March
Once again, people around the world are invited to participate in a citizen-science programme to monitor local light pollution. If you would like to get involved, please visit http://www.globe.gov/GaN/
Search IYA2009 Updates

National Nodes: 148
Organisational Nodes: 40
Organisational Associates:33
National Websites: 111
Cornerstone Projects: 12
Special Task Groups: 11
Special Projects:16
Official Products:8
Media Partners:22