IYA2009 Updates
SARM (Romania) and Friends released the GAM official poetry programme
10 June 2010
After the success of the international project Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009, the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) and Friends went further by releasing Astropoetry to the Global Astronomy Month 2010 ( the GAM official program of literary-artistic creativity, including the largest-ever web page of astronomical poetry and astropoetic images; organizational team: Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Valentin Grigore, Arlene Carol, Florin Stancu and Alexandru Sebastian Grigore ), available at http://www.cosmopoetry.ro/astropoetrytotheglobalastronomymonth/
It is important to add that two other beautiful astropoetry initiatives were connected to GAM2010:
- -The Spring 2010 issue of the regular web magazine Astropoetica (edited by Emily Gaskin, USA) at http://www.astropoetica.com/
- -Global Astronomy Month - Astropoetry Blog (edited by Robert L. Eklund, USA) at http://www.astronomerswithoutborders.org/index.php/projects/global-astronomy-month/gam360/astro-poetry-blog.html
Space and Time 2
9 June 2010
Cidadania presents Space and Time 2
Staatstheater Darmstadt, Germany 15 October 2010.
What is cidadania?
a work group of artists, scientists and other scholars from germany, portugal, poland, russia, Ukraine and the U.S.A.,who writes and performs interdisciplinary events combining art with science.
What is Space and Time?
It combines live music with video projections, theatre and dance. It takes the audience on a 60-minute journey through the world of astronomy, reflections on issues of human self-perception, environmental degradation, space debris and the future of our planet and life as we know it. a play written for the International astronomy year 2009 and world space wek 2009, which was presented in several Theaters around the world, with premiere in the United Nations in Vienna in October 2009.
More information: http://www.cidadania-darmstadt.info/CIDADANIA3.html
The Brazilian president Lula receives a Galileoscope
8 June 2010

The Brazilian president Lula da Silva has received a Galileoscope from the Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology, the physicist Sergio Rezende, during the opening session of the National Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation in the Brazilian capital, Brasilia last May.
Currently twenty thousand Galileoscopes are being distributed in public schools in Brazil, an IYA2009 project of the Brazilian Astronomical Society (Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira) and Brazilian Astronomy Olympiad (Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia) and supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology.
The Search for Life in the Universe in Science Fact and Science Fiction
7 June 2010
August 13 - 15, 2010
Hyatt Regency Hotel, Santa Clara, California
Only $20 per day or $35 for a weekend pass.
Go to http://www.seticon.com for more information and tickets.
Space is limited! Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis!
SETIcon features:
- Noted scientists explaining new developments in everyday language
- Stars of science fiction TV series and movies, plus the advisors who help with the science
- Panels to air controversial issues and compare perspectives
- Special sessions where you can ask questions of your favorite guests in a smaller setting
- A family room with hands-on activities (for kids 12 and older)
- An inflatable star theater like the one the Obama family enjoyed during the recent White House star party
Some of the confirmed guests so far:
- Apollo astronaut Rusty Schweickart, on saving the Earth from asteroid impacts
- Frank Drake, the astronomer who undertook the first project to listen for alien radio messages
- Jill Tarter, the SETI scientist on whom Jodie Foster’s character in Contact is based
- Michael Brown, who discovered several large worlds beyond Pluto and whose work helped kick Pluto out of the planet club
- Seth Shostak, SETI Scientist and the host of the “Are We Alone” radio program
- Debra Fischer, one of the top planet hunters in the world, co-discoverer of the first system of planets around another star
- Astronomer and California Professor of the Year Andrew Fraknoi on the "Top 10 Tourist Sights in the Solar System"
- Tim Russ, Star Trek actor and amateur astronomer
- Kevin Grazier, scientist on the Cassini Mission and science advisor for Battlestar Galactica
- David Morrison of NASA on “Doomsday 2012" and the new notion of "cosmophobia" -- fear of the skies
- Astronomer Alex Filippenko, who helped discover the dark energy that is speeding up the universe
- Award-winning science fiction writer Robert Sawyer
- Gibor Basri, world-renowned expert on brown dwarfs (failed stars)
- Margaret Race, one of the scientists working to protect Earth from alien microbes and other planets from Earth microbes
- Best selling writer Mary Roach, author of the forthcoming "Packing for Mars: The Curious Science of Life in the Void"
- Cosmologist Sean Carroll, author of "From Eternity to Here: The Quest for the Ultimate Theory of Time"
- Jennifer Ouellette, Director of the Science & Entertainment Exchange, fostering creative collaborations between scientists and the entertainment industry
Make contact at SETIcon with other fans of science fact and science fiction in a comfortable setting. It will be a weekend when science and the imagination meet! Enjoy a wide range of mind-expanding activities, an evening party, lots of time for discussion, plus a banquet where you can rub elbows with the speakers and other enthusiasts. The banquet will honor Dr. Frank Drake on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the first search for radio signals from extra-terrestrial civilizations. See the web site for full information.
Scientix – the community for science education in Europe
7 June 2010

Scientix – the community for science education in Europe – was created to facilitate regular dissemination and sharing of know-how and best practices in science education across the European Union.
Scientix is open for teachers, researchers, policy makers, local actors, parents and anyone interested in science education.
Search, find and engage on: http://www.scientix.eu
IYA2009 Updates
4 June 2010
The deadline for the Hubble Pop Culture contest has been extended until 30 June 2010.
If you have seen a picture of Hubble used in any unconventional or unexpected way, as part of popular culture, submit a picture as evidence together with a caption by June 30. You have the opportunity of winning an iPod Touch, books, DVDs and more.
For details, check: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/20anniversary/hubblepopculture/
The Galaxy Zoo 2010 Astrophotography 365 Challenge
The Galaxy Zoo participants were so sad to see IYA2009 end that they inaugurated an astrophoto-a-night thread on their web forum for 2010 to keep some of the excitement going: http://www.galaxyzooforum.org/index.php?topic=276993.0
10th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky
'The Science of light pollution'
2-4 September 2010, Kaposvár, Hungary
It is our honour to invite you to the 10th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky. The main goal of the symposium is to exchange views among experts and activists working on the field of light pollution. The scientific program will be divided in several sessions, dealing with all aspects of obtrusive light. A special attention will be given to scientific results on the biological and environmental impact of light pollution and the modelling of obtrusive light. A session is also dedicated to the interaction of architecture with light pollution.
More information: http://www.astro-zselic.hu/symposium.html
Science Communicators Conference: The Frontiers of 21st Century Astronomy
NSF Invites Science Communicators to June 3rd Astronomy Conference in Washington, D.C.
"Future Science: The Frontiers of 21st Century Astronomy" will feature top experts addressing four grand challenges in the field
More information: http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/astronomy/
Call for Abstracts: Education and Outreach after the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in Europe: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/906/
The Galaxy Zoo 2010 Astrophotography 365 Challenge
4 June 2010
The Galaxy Zoo participants were so sad to see IYA2009 end that they inaugurated an astrophoto-a-night thread on their web forum for 2010 to keep some of the excitement going: http://www.galaxyzooforum.org/index.php?topic=276993.0
10th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky
4 June 2010
'The Science of light pollution'
2-4 September 2010, Kaposvár, Hungary
It is our honour to invite you to the 10th European Symposium for the Protection of the Night Sky. The main goal of the symposium is to exchange views among experts and activists working on the field of light pollution. The scientific program will be divided in several sessions, dealing with all aspects of obtrusive light. A special attention will be given to scientific results on the biological and environmental impact of light pollution and the modelling of obtrusive light. A session is also dedicated to the interaction of architecture with light pollution.
More information: http://www.astro-zselic.hu/symposium.html
Science Communicators Conference: The Frontiers of 21st Century Astronomy
2 June 2010
NSF Invites Science Communicators to June 3rd Astronomy Conference in Washington, D.C.
"Future Science: The Frontiers of 21st Century Astronomy" will feature top experts addressing four grand challenges in the field
More information: http://www.nsf.gov/news/special_reports/astronomy/
The National Science Foundation (NSF) invites journalists to attend Future Science: The Frontiers of 21st Century Astronomy. This science communicators' conference will be moderated by Miles O'Brien, managing editor of Space Flight Now's "This Week in Space," and former chief technology and environment correspondent at CNN. Panelists will explore the current state of our understanding, the most recent results of ongoing research, and the future trajectory in this field. Seth Shostak, senior astronomer at the SETI Institute (Search for Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) will be the lunch speaker. His talk is titled, "Searching for ET: the Agony and the Ecstasy."
What: | Future Science: The Frontiers of 21st Century Astronomy |
Who: | Science Communicators |
When: | Thursday, June 3, 2010, 8 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. |
Where: |
1608 Rhode Island Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. |
Deadline extended for the Hubble Pop Culture contest
2 June 2010

The deadline for the Hubble Pop Culture contest has been extended until 30 June 2010.
If you have seen a picture of Hubble used in any unconventional or unexpected way, as part of popular culture, submit a picture as evidence together with a caption by June 30. You have the opportunity of winning an iPod Touch, books, DVDs and more.
The available categories are:
For details, check: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/20anniversary/hubblepopculture/
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