IYA2009 Updates
Heavens on Earth
20 August 2010

Published in the 20 August 2010 issue of Science (Subscription required): http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol329/issue5994/r-samples.dtl#329/5994/887-c
An ancient bone with notches that may represent a lunar calendar, prehistoric stone tombs in Portugal that point to the rising sun, and the Mauna Kea Observatories in Hawaii are promising contenders for World Heritage status, a new study says.
The study, which has been officially endorsed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), highlights 44 sites and artifacts that mark humankind's millennia-long fascination with the heavens. Usually, it notes, UNESCO's World Heritage Committee focuses on what it calls "tangible, immovable heritage," such as buildings, parks, and railways. But when addressing astronomical heritage, it's the development of scientificknowledge that is important, not the bricks and mortar, says Thomas Hockey, an astronomer at the University of Northern Iowa in Cedar Falls and a member of the International Astronomical Union's working group that helped produce the report.
For example, the twin monastery of Saint Peter and Saint Paul in northeast England no longer houses the scientific writings of the medieval monk Saint Bede, but World Heritage status would recognize the "scholarly activity" that occurred there. Saint Bede's most influential work,On the Reckoning of Time, written at the monastery in about 725 C.E., "became the principal text for early medieval astronomical study," says the report, which is available online at www.astronomicalheritage.org.
NASA Encourages Science Careers for Women
19 August 2010
In this first of two public service announcements, award-winning recording artist Mary J. Blige appears with veteran NASA space shuttle astronaut Leland Melvin to encourage young women to pursue exciting experiences and career choices by studying science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Both PSAs are now on NASA TV and the agency's website at:http://www.nasa.gov. NASA's Summer of Innovation (SoI) project and Blige's Foundation for the Advancement of Women Now (FFAWN) both show students the many possibilities available if they follow their dreams and reach for the stars.
European Science Education Research Association 2009 Proceedings
19 August 2010
The 2009 Proceedings of the European Science Education Research Association are now available on-line.
![]() Book 1 (pdf) |
![]() Book 2 (pdf) |
![]() Book 3 (pdf) |
Beyond IYA2009 Updates
13 August 2010
JENAM2010: The European Week of Astronomy and Space Science is approaching, you can still register and attend the IYA2009 Session: http://www.jenam2010.org/
International Observe the Moon Night: 18 September 2010
Professional and amateur astronomers, astronomy clubs, planetariums, science centers and all astronomy enthusiasts worldwide are invited to celebrate Earth's celestial companion, the Moon, Saturday, September 18, 2010. More: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/1006/
Astronomers Without Borders Newsletter: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/1008/
TWAN Mystery - August 2010: What are those streaks in Orion?
Astronomers Without Borders Newsletter
11 August 2010
International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN)
SEEING THE MOON... in a whole new light!
2009 was a very big year for lunar exploration. Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) began orbiting the Moon, returning more amazing images and more digital data in its first year than any other planetary mission in history. Meanwhile, Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) crashed into the Moon's south polar region in an unprecedented search for water below the Moon's surface.
International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) follows NASA's first celebration of these historic missions as part of the International Year of Astronomy 2009 in public events called "We're at the Moon!" (for LRO) and "National Observe the Moon Night" in the USA (for LCROSS). Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) is partnering with NASA missions and centers and others to bring the excitement of observing and learning about Earth's closest neighbor in space to the public -- putting the "International" into InOMN.
Get out and get others looking up and seeing the Moon...in a whole new light!
See the InOMN web site for all details.
April Was GAM-Packed
As they say, there is a first time for everything, and GAM 2010 was a history-making event in the amount of excitement and networking it sparked among amateur astronomers worldwide.
Global Astronomy Month was a month of firsts. The first month-long outreach venture; a first Global Star Party; a first 30 Days of StarPeace; a first astro-blogging outbreak; a first Virtual Telescope webcast; a first Cosmic Concert; a first week-long Lunar Focus; a first Saturn Watch; and a first One Star at a Time dark-sky awareness campaign.
The GAM featured projects attracted many enthusiasts and satisfied a variety of astronomical appetites. This month-long endeavor allowed for any needed rescheduling due to weather, and also provided time to build momentum toward the final Global Star Party festivities April 24. The 30 Days of StarPeace month-long project focused on one segment of Earth’s longitude at a time, encouraging groups and clubs to get to know their neighbors in other countries above and below the equator in the same time zone. This opened the door for new friendships to form.
Blogging was spearheaded with a new Astropoetry Blog edited by Bob Eklund, featuring astropoetry, essays, and astronomy-related experiences and book reviews, all in a blog format. A brilliant astropoetry collection from Andrei Dorian and his cosmopoet friends in Romania was a special highlight.
Dr. Gianluca Masi hosted a Virtual Telescope tour from the Bellatrix Observatory in Italy, with several live sessions. The “On-line Messier Marathon,” “Anybody Out There,” “Here Comes the Sun,” “Walking on the Moon,” and “Cosmic Depths” all were GAM projects that brought the world closer together.
One Star at a Time focused on the continuing effects of light pollution and man’s need for a dark sky. Not only did this project raise awareness, it also got astronomers to pledge to make a difference—we became responsible together as the AWB community.
Finally, let’s not forget Giovanni Renzo’s piano music that was inspired from the vibrations of pulsars, the spinning of a black hole, and a star-mapping musical score.
If you missed GAM 2010, don’t worry. April 2011 is only eight months away.
Download your Global Astronomy Month 2010 participation certificate
GAM2010 was a success thanks to you! Individuals and groups who organized events to celebrate GAM2010 can download the appreciation certificate now.
After logging into AWB website, go to the GAM Find Events page where you can use the filter to find the events you have registered. Once you find your event/s click on it and you will see the event details. Go to "Add a report"(appears in Red color) to submit your event report. Once submitted an option to download the certificate will be available.
Did you do a program from GAM2010 and couldn't register it? You can still register your event here and add your event report following above procedure to download the certificate.
AWB Project News:
Astropoetry Blog: send in your contributions!
The Astropoetry blog, launched during GAM, will continue with regular updates under the direction of author, astropoet and AWB Astropoetry Blog Editor, Bob Eklund. Our intention here is to provide a venue and a forum where the poetry of the night sky can flourish.
We encourage you to contribute poetry of the night sky—new or old astropoems, essays, experiences, book reviews, links to astropoetry resources, and information on astropoetry events. Links to online collections and other resources-including notes on a few astropoetry-related books-will also be provided, plus a few examples of outstanding astropoems from major poets of the past.
Whether or not you've ever written a poem before, take a look at some of the examples archived at the Astropoetry Blog, then think of some unique sight or feeling you've had in your acquaintance with the night sky-and put that feeling or insight into words.
3rd Seasons without Borders concluded successfully
The 3rd "Seasons without Borders" (SwB) concluded successfully last June 2010 celebrating the beginning of winter/summer seasons in the southern and northern hemispheres.
In typical AWB tradition, groups from Brazil, Canada, Iraq, Iran, Japan, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Uruguay and USA gathered and celebrated the solstice under the theme "Two seasons, One earth, One people".
Read the full report here.
Affiliate News:
Wish John Dobson happy 95
John Dobson is arguably one the most influential personalities in amateur astronomy in the last last couple of decades. He is most notable for being the promoter of a design for large, portable, low-cost Newtonian reflecting telescopes that bears his name, the Dobsonian telescope - a telescope that brought amateur astronomy to a whole new level. He has almost single-handedly revolutionized backyard astronomy by bringing it out to the street, making it possible for everyone to enjoy the beauty of the Universe!
On September 14 2010, John is turning 95 and here's your chance to send birthday wishes to him! Thilina Heenatigala (Astronomers Without Borders) is collecting the messages and these will be presented to John Dobson by Donna Smith (Sidewalk Astronomers).
Let's get together and wish John Dobson many more healthy orbits around the Sun!
A Match Under Starlight
Beginning of July 2010 concluded one of the most exciting sporting event - FIFA2010. While many football fans around the world celebrated the victories and the losing, President of Amateur Astronomers Association of Kurdistan - Azhy Hasan came up with the idea to celebrate the World Cup with a touch of astronomy and peace - "A Match Under Starlight".
Few groups around the world joined the excitement as well. Enjoy the reports from each event here.
AWB Board of Trustees welcomes three new members
Anousheh Ansari has been on the Board of Advisors since AWB was founded. Her dedication to the promotion of space science and astronomy is widely known and includes co-sponsorship of the Ansari X Prize, a $10 million award for the first non-governmental organization to launch a reusable manned spacecraft into space twice within two weeks. In 2006 Anousheh became the first female private space explorer. Anousheh is co-founder and chairman of Prodea Systems. Previously, she was co-founder, CEO and chairman of Telecom Technologies, Inc. Anousheh is a member of the X Prize Foundation’s Vision Circle, as well as its Board of Trustees. She is a life member in the Association of Space Explorers and on the advisory board of the Teacher’s in Space project. Anousheh is currently working toward a master’s degree in astronomy from Swinburne University.Stanley Weinstein is President of Stanley Weinstein & Co., specializing in the fundraising, management, and marketing needs of philanthropic organizations in the US. With more than forty-two years of experience in the nonprofit world, he has distinguished himself as a consultant, teacher, and author. As a consultant specializing in organizational development, strategic planning, fundraising, annual, endowment, and capital campaigns, he has had the opportunity to work closely with board and staff leaders from more than 300 nonprofit organizations nationwide. In 2006, he was named "Outstanding Fundraising Professional."
Farah Payan has owned Woodland Hills Camera and Telescopes since 1987. Initially selling only cameras, Farah has expanded the store's business to become one of the largest retailers of telescopes in the US. Woodland Hills has also become one of the largest Internet retailers, shipping astronomy equipment to most of the world. Woodland Hills is also a supporter of outreach programs and clubs at local colleges. Farah has been a supporter of AWB since its founding and was AWB's first commercial sponsor.
We are very fortunate that these talented and accomplished people have made a commitment to Astronomers Without Borders.
AWB's Newest Resource
Peggy Walker is a natural organizer, and although she had only three years experience in astronomy she was still tapped to organize events and activities for several local astronomy clubs near her home in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, USA, during the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Her enthusiasm and skills quickly led to her being appointed as AWB's National Coordinator for the United States in 2010.
It isn't just enthusiasm that Peggy brings to these tasks, however. Her valuable experience as an executive secretary is now being brought to the global AWB effort. At the latest meeting of the AWB Board of Trustees, Peggy was elected to the office of AWB Secretary. Peggy has wasted no time getting started, and she is already working to organize and document AWB's efforts. We are very fortunate to have someone with Peggy's skills and drive. She'll certainly prove to be one of AWB's most important assets.
We'd like to thank Peggy's predecessor, Laura Hiller, who held the office of Secretary for AWB's first two years. It was a difficult job at the beginning as AWB grew meteorically, and we are grateful for her invaluable assistance in AWB's formative years.
So Easy a Caveman Can Do It
AWB has listened to your comments about the website and its “ease of use” (or lack thereof) and has, hopefully, addressed your concerns. A top priority of the organization is to foster the social networking of its members, visitors, and affiliates, and navigating the site seemed to be a challenge for some. Not everyone has the computer savvy to navigate easily on a website—and we hope that now even cave men and women will find the new site much easier than the old.
As you look at the site, at the top you will see a new banner, depicting people with a distance between them still focusing on the same thing—the “One People, One Sky” ideal. As you scroll down or across you will find the type large enough to see where you need to go. This version is, hopefully, not intimidating, but if anyone finds it hard to get to where they want to be, the Help Desk is always at your disposal.
The website’s new format is designed to encourage you to post on your own wall, have galleries for your photos, blog to your heart’s content, and facebook your friends—all from one easy location.
Send us your feedback to info@astronomerswithoutborders.org
Astronomers Without Borders Now On Twitter
You can follow AWB on Twitter @awb_org and use the #AWB hash tag to Tweet.
Buy Astronomers Without Borders Merchandise
Astronomers Without Borders now has its own merchandise available! Shirts, buttons, mugs and many other types are now available at the AWB CafePress Store. Show that you belong to the global astronomy effort these AWB products at your events.
TWAN Mystery - August 2010
10 August 2010

International Observe the Moon Night: 18 September 2010
6 August 2010

Professional and amateur astronomers, astronomy clubs, planetariums, science centers and all astronomy enthusiasts worldwide are invited to celebrate Earth's celestial companion, the Moon, Saturday, September 18, 2010.
International Observe the Moon Night (InOMN) follows on the great success of lunar missions in 2009. NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) has already sent back more close-up images and digital data in its first year orbiting the Moon than any other planetary mission in history. In an unprecedented search for water below the Moon's surface, Lunar CRater Observation and Sensing Satellite (LCROSS) crashed into the Moon’s south polar region with the world watching.
InOMN builds on NASA's first celebration of these historic missions during the International Year of Astronomy 2009. Now, Astronomers Without Borders (AWB) is partnering with NASA missions and centers, along with other institutions, to bring the excitement of observing and learning about Earth's closest neighbor in space to the public – putting the "International" into InOMN.
“InOMN is a community-based effort where everyone can share the excitement of lunar exploration with the public by hosting their own InOMN events”, said Mike Simmons, Founder and President of Astronomers Without Borders. “Public telescope observing events, lectures, school presentations and workshops, and even online events like TweetUps are already being planned.”, adds Simmons.
Join the celebration. Get others looking up and seeing the Moon...in a whole new light!
More information: http://www.astronomerswithoutborders.org/projects/intl-observe-moon-night.html
Beyond IYA2009 Updates
6 August 2010
Astronomy & World Heritage Thematic Study released: The thematic study on the Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy presents an overall vision of astronomical heritage and attempts to identify some of the most outstanding examples that are of significance to everyone. Read More:http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/pressreleases/detail/iya1005/
Government of Canada Celebrates the Historical Significance of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
Jim Prentice, Canadian Minister of the Environment and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, and Gary Lunn, Canadian Minister of State for Sport and Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands, celebrated the national historic significance of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, a world-renowned observatory where many discoveries about the nature of the Milky Way galaxy were made. More information: http://www.pc.gc.ca/apps/cp-nr/release_e.asp?id=1625&andor1=nr
Light Pollution Seminar held in Chile
The European Southern Observatory (ESO), in collaboration with the Chilean National Commission for Environment, Chilean universities and the Office for the Protection of the Quality of the Skies in the North of Chile, organised this event, supported by the Ruinas de Huanchaca Foundation, Antofagasta Municipality and the Chilean Astronomy Society, to promote the protection of dark skies as a scientific heritage. Read more: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/1003/
The World at Night Newsletter:http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/1002/
The Planets and Pictures World Tour continues to gather great reviews: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/1001/
IAU IB106 (IYA2009 edition) is online
The International Astronomical Union Information Bulletin 106 (July 2010) (IYA2009 edition) is online. Download the PDF file (4.4 MB) on this link: http://www.iau.org/static/publications/IB106.pdf
World Heritage Committee inscribes old astronomical observatory Jantar Mantar on World Heritage List
The World Heritage Committee meeting in Brasilia has inscribed sites in Saudi Arabia, Australia, India, Islamic Republic of Iran and, for the first time, a site in the Marshall Islands, as well as the Republic of Korea on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Read more: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/999/
International Astronomical Union is looking for Director of IAU Office for Astronomy Development
Read more: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/998/
Government of Canada Celebrates the Historical Significance of the Dominion Astrophysical Obs.
6 August 2010

Jim Prentice, Canadian Minister of the Environment and Minister responsible for Parks Canada, and Gary Lunn, Canadian Minister of State for Sport and Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands, celebrated the national historic significance of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory, a world-renowned observatory where many discoveries about the nature of the Milky Way galaxy were made.
More information: http://www.pc.gc.ca/apps/cp-nr/release_e.asp?id=1625&andor1=nr
Light Pollution Seminar held in Chile
5 August 2010
The European Southern Observatory (ESO), in collaboration with the Chilean National Commission for Environment, Chilean universities and the Office for the Protection of the Quality of the Skies in the North of Chile, organised this event, supported by the Ruinas de Huanchaca Foundation, Antofagasta Municipality and the Chilean Astronomy Society, to promote the protection of dark skies as a scientific heritage.
Experts from Europe, Brazil, Argentina and the USA discussed the benefits of improving the efficiency of urban lightning to reduce light pollution, and the resulting positive impact on the environment, energy consumption, economy and science. International astronomical observatories and representatives of future projects emphasised the importance of the dark night skies of northern Chile and pointed out the need to protect this resource for future generations.
More information: http://www.eso.org/public/announcements/ann1047/
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