IYA2009 Updates
IYA2009 Updates
16 April 2010
Science Magazine runs articles on IYA2009 Galilescope Cornerstone project: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/889/
JENAM2010: Joint European and National Astronomy Meeting 2010
6-10 September 2010, Lisbon Portugal
Education and Public Outreach Special Sessions:
- SPS6: New Trends in Global Astronomy Education
- SPS7: Education and Outreach after IYA2009
- SPS8: Amateur and professional astronomers
More information: http://www.jenam2010.org/
Hubble 20th Anniversary Events and Exhibitions throughout Europe, Russia and Turkey: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/890/
Campus Party Europe highlights astronomy developments:
800 young innovators from across Europe are currently in Madrid attending the latest Campus Party Europe. Run this year by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, it is considered the biggest event for technology, creativity and digital culture online in the world.
The World at Night Newsletter: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/887/
Public Face of Space Conference Resources: http://www.isunet.edu/Online_Files/Programs/Symposium/2010
GAM - Lord of the Rings Back on Screen
Probably the most famous of all planets, Saturn—the ringed planet—is back and demands all eyes on it. Global Astronomy Month is therefore giving it full attention during two dedicated global programs. More info: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/885/
Under the Starry Vault
Artists inspired by the plight of Giordano Bruno have collaborated in an innovative way to create a movie and music. The Makrokosmos Quartet (two pianos and two percussionists) have arranged for an hour's entertainment based on Bruno's story. Entry is free although the number of places is strictly limited. This event takes place at CERN on 15 April, 20:30.
For more information, please visit: www.makrokosmos.eu
Iran Welcomes The World At Night
The first major TWAN event in the Middle East, including an exhibition and a 3-day night sky photography workshop, brought photographers and amateur astronomers to Zanjan, Iran. Read more: http://www.twanight.org/newTWAN/news.asp?newsID=6049
The Universe - Kavli Science Journalism Workshop
More information: http://web.mit.edu/knight-science/bootcamps/current.html
1st GTTP for Portuguese Speaking African Countries
The Galileo Teacher Training Program (GTTP) team in Portugal, still in the scope of IYA2009 national plan of activities and with the support of Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian has promoted the first GTTP training session for Portuguese speaking African countries (PALOP is the acronym in Portuguese). The session had six participants from: Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Prince.
More information: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/881/
There Is Another Way To Light Up The Nightswitch On The Stars!
April 20th 2010 is the date when the Declaration in Defence of the Night Sky and the Right to Starlight will be promoted, as every year since 2007, at all levels, by municipalities, governments organizations, NGOs, citizens associations and also individuals. More information: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/880/
Star of GAM2010 Enters Spotlight
Global Astronomy Month had to have its own VIP star endorsing the event. We went big and invited the best-known star of all time, the closest star to us in the entire Universe - the Sun! More info: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/879/
The fourth phase of 30 Nights of StarPeace brings together Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Turkey and Zambia
More information: http://www.astronomy2009.org/news/updates/878/
Hubble 20th Anniversary Events and Exhibitions throughout Europe, Russia and Turkey
16 April 2010
More information about the Hubble 20th Anniversary: http://www.spacetelescope.org/projects/20anniversary/
- Vulkanlandsternwarte Auersbachtal - There will be a lecture and an unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image on 23 April followed the next day by a star party to look at Saturn and the moon live from the observatory.
- Astronomie Wien - Lecture and exhibition in planetarium.
- Planetarium of the royal Observatory of Belgium - Part of permanent exhibition.
- The Norman Lockyer Observatory & Planetarium - "How Far can we See?" This will entail a lecture primarily on deep space images including Hubble images, a live demonstration of CCD imaging using small telescopes, a planetarium show and tour of their historic Victorian telescopes and viewing (if clear).
- Thinktank Planetarium - The event will include a display of important Hubble images before the unveiling of the new picture.
- Dundee Science Centre - The official unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image will be complemented by a keynote speech by an invited local expert in a related area.
- At-Bristol Ltd. - 17 June special presentation and show
- Royal Observatory, Greenwich - 15 May special opening and presentation.
- Mizar Travelling Planetarium - Part of exhibition.
- Astronomical observatory and Planetarium "Nikolai Kopernik" - Exhibition in the gallery in the planetarium and special presentations in the planetarium for students and for general visitors.
- People's Astronomical Observatory - Part of permanent exhibition.
- Planetarium with Public Astronomical Observatory - Smolyan, Bulgaria - Part of permanent exhibition.
Czech Republic:
- Observatory and Planetarium of Prague - 27 April press conference and evening exhibition.
- Observatory and Planetarium of Johann Palisa - 24 April special stereoscopic show.
- The Observatory and Planetarium in Ceske Budejovice & the Klet Observatory-24 April, all-day programme called "Saturday with Hubble" at the Observatory and Planetarium Ceske Budejovice. The day will include a planetarium show for adults, interactive planetarium show for children, astronomical movies, a special lecture with full-HD digital projection about Hubble Space Telescope in the cinema hall and guided exhibition with Hubble images.
- Nicholas Copernicus Observatory and Planetarium in Brno - Part of museum night on 15 May.
- Observatory and Planetarium in Hradec Kralove - Special lecture and Hubble anniversary image unveiling on 24 April.
- The Steno Museum - Two main events, "Can you catch a fallen star?" for families and kids with hand-on meteorites, tales about star formation and formation of our solar system and a public lecture in the planetarium about star formation and the formation of our solar system.
- Tycho Brahe Planetarium - 22 and 24 April, The VIP event will be the official opening ceremony for a three day national science festival. During the event we will have premiere of the Hubble IMAX movie. The public event will include a presentation about Hubble and screening of the IMAX movie.
- Heureka, the Finnish Science Centre - 24 April there will be a cosmonaut visiting Heureka. Commander Valeri Tokarev is going to tell the audience about space missions in which he has taken part.
- Planetarium Ludiver
- GEPI Observatoire de Paris - Unveiling of Hubble anniversary image will be part of the Solstice Fest at the observatory.
- PromEspace - Conferences with scientists and astronauts are planned on 21 August. The 20th anniversary of Hubble will have an exposition of the best photos of the ESA/NASA space telescope and the new WFC3 image.
- ATLAS - Talk and slideshow.
- Parc du Cosmos - Part of permanent exhibition.
- Cité de l'espace - 20 April Hubble anniversary event and Hubble IMAX screenings.
- Astronomischer Verein der Volkssternwarte Papenburg e.V. - The Hubble anniversary event will include a few telescopes in front of the Hubble anniversary picture, informational material for all interested people and models of some rockets and satellites.
- Raumflugplanetarium "Juri Gagarin" Cottbus - Talk with pictures and videos of the Hubble announcements since 1999; offer of the German-speaking CD with the Hubble announcements from 2009.
- LWL-Museum für Naturkunde - The Hubble anniversary image unveiling event will include a pre-unveiling presentation for the media. Following this the image unveiling itself will take place with the media, invited guests, and the general public attending. The event will continue with a presentation in the planetarium that will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hubble in the form of a presentation of the best Hubble photographs over the years.
- Förderkreis Planetarium Göttingen e.V. - "Saturday Morning Physics" series of public lectures organised by the Faculty of Physics and the Physics Students' Council of the Georg-August University. This session will also be promoted as an event of the 8. "Astronomietag" (German Astronomy Day) and features a special symposium on Hubble science with scientists of the Institute for Astrophysics Göttingen presenting their own research with the Hubble Space Telescope in three short lectures, to be complemented by an introduction into the telescope's history, its future outlook and the timeline for JWST (James Webb Space Telescope).
- Planetarium Mannheim - 18 May beginning of new special Hubble program at the planetarium.
- Schulsternwarte und Planetarium "Sigmund Jähn" - Part of permanent exhibition.
- Nicolaus-Copernicus-Planetarium Nürnberg - Unveiling as part of Long Day of Stars on 24 April.
- Schul- und Volkssternwarte Suhl - Series of lectures about Hubble on 24 April.
- Planetarium Hamburg - Unveiling of Hubble anniversary image and presentation of images on 24 April.
- Museum am Schölerberg - 24 April is the German Astronomy Day and public solar observations as well as additional planetarium sessions are planned for this day.
- Zeiss-Planetarium der Ernst-Abbe-Stiftung Jena - Special show and sky observing on 24 April.
- Carl-Zeiss-Planetarium - The Hubble anniversary image unveiling event will take place on Astronomy Day, 24 April, 13:30 with the visitors of the planetarium witnessing the unveiling ceremony and a brief explanation of the image and the background of Hubble.
- Universe Dimensions
- Zeiss-Planetarium und Volkssternwarte Drebach - 24 April part of German Astronomy Day.
- Friends of Astronomy Club (Omilos Filon Astronomias) - Presentation before general meeting.
- EUGENIDES FOUNDATION - Special film and lecture.
- Thessaloniki Science Centre & Technology Museum - 10 May Science Cafe event, with a professor of astronomy speaker who will discuss with the audience observational astronomy history and Hubble's achievements.
- Associazione Culturale La Bendandiana- Via Manara 17 48018 FAENZA (RA) ITALY- Event in the auditorium of the "Banca di Romagna" with the display of the Hubble anniversary image and a seminar of an Astronomer of the Observatory of the University of Bologna - INAF concerning the results of the Hubble project.
- Planetario di Padova - Conference held by a professor of Astronomy at the University of Padua (Italy) on the key rule of the Hubble Space Telescope for a deeper understanding of the Cosmos. Some of the most beautiful images taken by Hubble will be projected on the dome of the digital Planetarium.
- Unione Astrofili Napoletani - Public conferences in May, June, September, October, November and December 2010. The display area will remain permanently open to students and people visiting the observatory for the next years.
- DIST, University of Genova - 22 October event will include visits to the planetarium, lectures by physicists and astronomers, photo gallery and short videos.
- Fondazione Clément Fillietroz-ONLUS - 24 April special presentation and planetarium show.
- Italian Naval Academy- The Hubble anniversary image will be displayed inside the Institute in conjunction with the annual Naval Academy and Leghorn City Trophy (TAN).
- Planetariul Baia Mare - 21 May outside exhibit of the Hubble anniversary image, digital slideshow with a video projector of the stunning images recorded by Hubble through time and an astronomical night of observations called ”Say Hello to Hubble.”
- Osservatorio Serafino Zani - Guided tours and special programs for children on 22 May.
- Museu de la Ciència i de la Tècnica de Catalunya (mNACTEC) - Presentation and unveiling of Hubble anniversary image with special lectures on 5 October.
- LICEO SCIENTIFICO "E. MEDI" – PLANETATIUM- liceomedi-senigallia.it- Guided visits and lessons on 30 April.
- Dunsink Observatory - Dunsink Observatory- http://www.dias.ie/index.html- Unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image in Dunsink at a special evening with videos and lectures about Hubble - date to be announced; please check website for details.
- Blackrock Castle Observatory - Hubble anniversary image unveiling ceremony by Dr. Niall Smith, Head of Research, CIT followed by a lecture celebrating Hubble and Creating Robotic Telescope Farms (optical telescopes that think for themselves).
- Schull Planetarium - Astronaut James Reilly will do the unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image at a special presentation on 1 May.
- Planetarium of Vilnius University - 20 lectures about objects in the Universe in honour of 20 years of the Hubble Space Telescope.
- The Astronomical Society of Malta - 23 April an even to unveil the Hubble anniversary image together with a talk about the formation of stars and the contribution of the Hubble Space Telescope in our quest into understanding the Universe.
- Volkssterrenwacht Bussloo (Public Observatory Bussloo) - 30 April event for the public unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image and presentation.
- Philippus Lansbergen Observatory Foundation - Talks and children’s programs on 28 April.
- Muzeum Mikołaja Kopernika we Fromborku - There will be a presentation of the Hubble anniversary image and a planetarium show.
- Centro Multimeios de Espinho - For this event there will be a piano concert then the unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image plus a lecture on star formation and Hubble’s discoveries in that field.
- Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa - Part of public exhibition.
- Pavilion of Knowledge - Ciência Viva - An invited astronomer will make a brief presentation about the Hubble, its history and several images on display (anniversary image plus a slideshow of other images taken by Hubble). These images will also be the source of inspiration for a saxophone improvisation concert, performed by Carlos Martins, famous Portuguese musician.
- The Astronomical Observatory "Amiral Vasile Urseanu" - There will be a press conference with speeches by notable astronomers and an unveiling of the Hubble anniversary picture.
- OBSERVATORUL ASTRONOMIC al UNIVERSITATII "STEFAN cel MARE" - 29 and 30 April, the Hubble anniversary unveiling event will be preceded by a series of conferences on the general theme: ”Telescopul Hubble –Extraordinar si Extraterestru” (”Hubble – Out of the Ordinary, Out of this World”)
- Ufa city Planetarium - Lecture and presentation on 25 April.
- ADNOS, The Novi Sad Astronomical Society - The Hubble anniversary image unveiling event will take place on 13 May, at the plateau in front of the Planetarium, which is located at the beautiful medieval Petrovaradin Fortress. This public event will include several lectures and planetarium shows.
- Petnica Science Center - 22 April exhibition with Hubble pictures and history of Hubble at the centre over several months.
- Astronomical Society "Rudjer Boskovic" - 11 June Hubble presentation as part of astronomy weekend.
- Centre of free time Domino - Presentation and planetarium performance.
- Krajska hvezdaren a planetarium Maximiliana Hella - Lecture and exhibition planned.
- Observatorio Astronómico de Cantabria - The Observatorio Astronómico de Cantabria will have an astronomical party, with some activities such as games for the children, telescopes, short presentations of astronomical topics and more.
- Institute of Space Sciences - Part of exhibition from June until November.
- Planetario de Pamplona - The "Hubble Day" at the Planetarium of Pamplona on 26 April will begin with a press conference to show the new display that will join our special exhibition. In the afternoon a special session at the planetarium will show some of the images and science that Hubble has acquired during its 20 years of discovery.
- Museo de las Ciencias de Castilla-La Mancha - From 20 to 30 April we workshops will be organized for primary & secondary school centres about the construction of telescopes. During the workshops, experts will teach about optics and show students different types of telescopes, discuss history, and of course, the Hubble Space Telescope.
- Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA/CSIC-UC) - The Instituto de Física de Cantabria will have a Hubble Space Telescope anniversary image unveiling event on 28 April.
- Agrupació Astronòmica de Sabadell - 28 April unveiling of the Hubble anniversary image as part of the 50th anniversary of the association.
- Mallorca Planetarium from the Observatori Astronomic de Mallorca (OAM) - Special planetarium show on 5 May.
- Museo de la Ciencia y el Cosmos - Presentation on 24 April with unveiling of Hubble anniversary image.
- Parque de la Vida - Presentation and lectures on 24 April.
- Faculty of Sciences at the University of Granada - 24 April event with lectures by astronomers from the University, the Institute of Astrophysics of Andalucia (IAA) and the Institute of Millimeter Radioastronomy (IRAM).
- Parc Astronomic Montsec - Consorci del Montsec - Observation night on 1 May to look at objects Hubble has observed and Hubble anniversary image unveiling event. The whole weekend will be a Hubble weekend with images from Hubble in the planetarium and the Telescopes Park will try to look at objects Hubble has observed.
- Teknikens Hus (House of Technology) - 24 April special unveiling and presentation on Hubble.
- CERN - Part of permanent exhibition.
- Observatory and Planetarium Kreuzlingen - 24 April photo exhibition and Hubble lecture.
- Liceo Lugano 2 - Part of permanent exhibition
- Canakkale Astrophysics Research Centre & Ulupınar Observatory - 15 May – public educational astronomy event that aims to improve the scientific understanding of students and general visitors including a Hubble anniversary activity.
- Dnipropetrovsk City Planetarium - 10, Rogaleva Street, Dnipropetrovsk, 49044 Ukraine- Special multimedia program on 25 April.
Science Magazine runs articles on IYA2009 Galilescope Cornerstone project
16 April 2010
ASTRONOMY EDUCATION: Telescopes for the People
By John Bohannon
The International Year of Astronomy 2009 has come and gone, and the Galileoscope project, one of the most ambitious parts of the global IYA campaign, was supposed to be wrapped up by now. The original goal was to put telescopes in the hands of the millions of people attending IYA events. But then the global financial crisis hit. The scientists on the team were forced to become instant entrepreneurs to keep the Galileoscope project alive. The ultimate aim of the IYA was "to help the citizens of the world rediscover their place in the universe." What better way to do that than give them their own telescopes?
Read more: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/short/328/5976/296-a
THE GONZO SCIENTIST: Galileo in Senegal
By John Bohannon
Read more: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/328/5976/296-b
Also: listen to John Bohannon’s talking about telescopes in rural Senegal on the Science Podcast: http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/328/5976/380-b
Campus Party Europe highlights astronomy developments
15 April 2010
800 young innovators from across Europe are currently in Madrid attending the latest Campus Party Europe. Run this year by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, it is considered the biggest event for technology, creativity and digital culture online in the world.
Astronomy is featuring prominently in the programme, and a Global Astronomy Month (GAM) remote observing event will be taking place this evening (15 April). GAM guru Oana Sandu and everyone’s favourite IYA2009 writer Lee Pullen are there, promoting astronomy to anyone who will listen. Their adventures are being documented via a LiveBlog and Twitter feed.
To follow the GAM blog, see: http://www.astronomerswithoutborders.org/index.php/projects/global-astronomy-month/gam360/project-blog.html
To see Oana’s Twitter feed, please go to: http://twitter.com/oanasandu
For more information about Campus Party Europe, visit: http://www.campus-party.eu/home-en.html
TWAN Newsletter
15 April 2010
News and Reports
- International Photo Contest Winners Announced : Selected from submissions by photographers in over 30 countries, the winners of the Earth and Sky Photo Contest display the beauties of night sky and its battle with light pollution.
- Iran Welcomes The World At Night : Visitors The first major TWAN event in the Middle East, including an exhibition and a 3-day night sky photography workshop, brought photographers and amateur astronomers to Zanjan, Iran.
- Top Viewed Photos: January-March 2010 : Visitors statistics report of TWAN website in the first three months of 2010; from the most popular photos to the top visiting countries.
- Photo Report: Notable Photos of the Earth and Sky Photo Contest : A collection of notable Earth and sky photos from across the world selected by TWAN members and the judges of the International Earth and Sky Photo Contest.
- TWAN Confirms Plans for 2010 : The World at Night has announced its plans for 2010, from new members to new exhibitions and new publications.
- Join TWAN fans on Facebook : Learn about the latest updates on the project and communicate with TWAN photographers at The World at Night page on Facebook page.
- Visitors comments: New option on TWAN website for more interaction between the photographers and visitors. Write comments on TWAN Photos, ask questions, and share ideas. Find “comment” bottom below each photo.
There are new stunning photos and time-lapse videos on TWAN website, featuring starry nights of the planet's landmarks from across the world.
- Winter Milky Way over Death Valley by Wally Pacholka
- Lunar Rainbow and Volcanic Eruption by Wally Pacholka
- Los Angeles Pair by Wally Pacholka
- Dan and Kasatochi by Doug Zubenel
- Karma and Joy by LeRoy Zimmerman
- Enchanted April by LeRoy Zimmerman
- Lovely Lulin by Doug Zubenel
- Umbral Morning by Doug Zubenel
- Windmill, Moon and Venus by Doug Zubenel
- Star Party under Billions of Stars by Dennis di Cicco
- Wind of the Sun by Yuichi Takasaka
- Light House Dawn by Laurent Laveder
- Coast of Brittany under Moonlight (VR) by Laurent Laveder
- Lights of the North by P-M Heden
- Startrails above My Cottage by P-M Heden
- Moon Halo by P-M Heden
- Winter Stars above Dal River by P-M Heden
- Night at a Rune Stone by P-M Heden
- Aurora above Sweden by P-M Heden
- The Setting Sun by Pekka Parviainen
- Don't Drive Fast under Starry Sky by Tamas Ladanyi
- Sky Rotation by Tamas Ladanyi
- Moon and Seven Sisters by Tamas Ladanyi
- Lake Balaton by Moonlight by Tamas Ladanyi
- 2010 Earth Hour in Budapest by Tamas Ladanyi
- Moon and Scorpius above Alps by Tamas Ladanyi
- Serene Paraselene by Tamas Ladanyi
Asia and Middle East
- Spring Dream by Babak Tafreshi
- Alice in Wonderland by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Stars of Spring by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Satrun and Leo in Spring Sky by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Heavens at Night by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Desert Camp and Zodiacal Band by Tunc Tezel
- Essence of Spring by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Santa Stargazer by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Alborz Starry Winter by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Night above Wild Flowers (time-lapse video) by Amir H. Abolfath
- Messier Marathon in Action (time-lapse video) by Amir H. Abolfath
- A Starry Autumn Night in Virtual Reality (time-lapse video) by Amir H. Abolfath
- Sky Watcher and Milky Way by Amir H. Abolfath
- Cars and Stars by Amir H. Abolfath
- Trails on the Earth and Sky by Amir H. Abolfath
- Fire Temple and Circumpolar Trails by Amir H. Abolfath
- Startrails above Cyrus by Amir H. Abolfath
Russia - Siberia
- Cottage Milky Way by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Setting Winter Stars over Southern Turkey by Tunc Tezel
- From Orion to Canopus by Tunc Tezel
- Rising Scorpius and Approaching Storm by Tunc Tezel
- Panauti Stars by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Sirius Rises above Himalaya by Oshin D. Zakarian
- 2010 Earth Hour in Seoul (time-lapse video) by Kwon O Chul
- Sunset over Korean National Observatory by Kwon O Chul
- Northern Stars above Korea National Observatory by Kwon O Chul
Guest Gallery is a well-received section on TWAN website to feature selected outstanding Earth and sky photos by non-TWAN creative photographers from around the globe. If you have such remarkable photos to share with TWAN Guest Gallery, please contact us. There are new featured photos on the Guest Gallery:
- Summer Stars over Lake Borovik (Croatia) by Vladimir Zivkovic
- Minaret and the Evening Sky (Bangladesh) by Anwar Hussain
- Aurora Streaks over a Glacial Pond (Iceland) by Tony Prower
- Young Moon in the Szubin Sky (Poland) by Marek Nikodem
- Orion and the Alps in Moonlight (Switzerland) by W. Harald
- Dark Skies over the Atacama Desert (Chile) by Sighard Schraebler
- Milky Way, Clouds, and Light Pollution (Poland) by Marek Nikodem
- Moonrise and the Winter Constellations (Iran) by Alireza Vafa
- Green Energy (Norway) by Fredrik Broms
- Camping Under the Milky Way (USA) by Tony Rowell
- Milky Way over Senggigi Beach (Indonesia) by Winston Setiawan
- Boreal Forest (Norway) by Fredrik Broms
- Big Dipper over a Lone Tree (Poland) by Marek Nikodem
- Temple Night (Greece) by Chris Kotsiopoulos
- Full Moon Rainbow (USA) by Tony Rowell
- Light House and Stars (USA) by Larry Andreasen
- Observatory and Capital (Armenia) by Mahdi Zamani and Suren Stepanian
- Stargazers (Romania) by Valentin Grigore
- Lights of Los Angeles (USA) by Ali Douraghy
- Lights vs .Stars (Norway) by Fredrik Broms
- Starry Night of Croatia (Croatia) by Vid Nikolic
- Crescent Moon over Anarak (Iran) by Mahdi Zamani
- Cottage and Southern Cross (Indonesia) by Sighard Schraebler
- Everest North Side (Tibet) by Stuart Holmes
- Alaskan Summer Camping (USA) by Chip Porter
- Atlas-III Rocket Launch (USA) by Ben Cooper
- Greek Milky Way (Greece) by Frank Ryan Jr
- Hawaiian Summit Moonrise (USA) by Richard Wainscoat
- Pine Tree Star Motion (Portugal) by Miguel Claro
- Top of the World Star Trails (Nepal) by Jonathan Mitchell
- Desert Star Trails (Iran) by Babak Parhizkari
- Ancient Moonrise (Greece) by Chris Kotsiopoulos
Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), a NASA’s world-known website, has featured new imagery taken by TWAN photographers:
- Serene Paraselene by Tamas Ladanyi
- Hesiodus Sunrise Ray by Stefan Seip
TWAN is featuring six special galleries:
Latest Images
Dark Skies Importance
Cosmic Motions
World Heritage Sites
TWAN Podcast
TWAN is a global program of Astronomers Without Borders (www.astrowb.org) and a Special Project of International Year of Astronomy, an initiative by IAU and UNESCO. The World at Night is to produce and present a collection of stunning photographs of the world's most beautiful and historic sites against the nighttime backdrop of stars, planets and celestial events. The eternally peaceful sky looks the same above all symbols of different nations and regions, attesting to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories.
Building bridges through the sky
The World at Night
Public Face of Space website updated
14 April 2010
Several additions have been made to the website of this year's ISU Symposium "The Public Face of Space". These include photos of the speakers and panels as well as summaries of any brief questions and answers that followed each of the presented papers. Text of the Lunch Address given on 15 February by Michel Laffaiteur, Vice President for Strategy, World Space Week Association has also been added.
To see the site, please click here: http://www.isunet.edu/Online_Files/Programs/Symposium/2010
GAM - Lord of the Rings Back on Screen
13 April 2010
Probably the most famous of all planets, Saturn—the ringed planet—is back and demands all eyes on it. Global Astronomy Month is therefore giving it full attention during two dedicated global programs.
Saturn Watch started on April 11 and will continue until April 16, a time when you are encouraged to admire the fantastic planet—whether visually through your telescope, or via photographic observing, or by remote observing.Program Ideas to inspire you.
April 16 marks the peak of this global celebration dedicated to the ring planet with a Beauty Without Borders edition, a chance for amateur astronomers to share the wonder of observing Saturn with others. Everyone across the globe is invited.
Gather a group of friends, family, or amateur astronomers from your local astronomy club and set up telescopes in public places to share those breathtaking views of Saturn with others. Afterward, share your pictures and stories of the event with others through the various possibilities offered by GAM.
Join us and make the Lord of the Rings an astronomical box office hit!
Under the Starry Vault
13 April 2010
Artists inspired by the plight of Giordano Bruno have collaborated in an innovative way to create a movie and music. The Makrokosmos Quartet (two pianos and two percussionists) have arranged for an hour's entertainment based on Bruno's story. Entry is free although the number of places is strictly limited. This event takes place at CERN on 15 April, 20:30.
For more information, please visit: www.makrokosmos.eu
Iran Welcomes The World At Night
13 April 2010

The first major TWAN event in the Middle East, including an exhibition and a 3-day night sky photography workshop, brought photographers and amateur astronomers to Zanjan, Iran.
Read more: http://www.twanight.org/newTWAN/news.asp?newsID=6049
The Universe - Kavli Science Journalism Workshop
12 April 2010

The deadline is April 20 to apply for this summer’s Kavli Science Journalism Workshop on The Universe. Hosted by the Knight Science Journalism Fellowships at MIT, this three-day intensive workshop will cover everything from new discoveries about dark matter and energy, to the most promising planets on which life may be found. The 15 journalists selected to participate will be awarded up to $750 towards travel expenses.
Find a list of faculty and other details at http://web.mit.edu/knight-science/bootcamps/current.html
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