Beyond IYA2009 Updates
12 December 2010
Measurable effects of IYA2009 in Sweden
A recent study of the recognition of science among the Swedish public has demonstrated a pronounced change in the appreciation of astronomy. More information:
IYA2009 Session at the Public Communication of Science & Technology Conference: The International Year of Astronomy: How did it go and what did we learn?
More information:
The World at Night Newsletter:
GLOBE at Night 2011: GLOBE at Night encourages citizen-scientists worldwide to record the brightness of the night sky. During 2 winter/spring weeks of moonless evenings, children & adults match the appearance of a constellation (Orion in February/March and Leo in March/April) with 7 star maps of progressively fainter stars found at They then submit their choice of star map on-line with their date, time and location to help create a light pollution map worldwide.The GLOBE at Night 2011 campaign dates are February 26 – March 6 (worldwide) and March 22 – April 4 (for the Northern Hemisphere) and March 24 – April 6 (for the Southern Hemisphere).
More information:
Galileoscopes in Cuba (Report by David M.F. Chapman ( Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Halifax Centre)):
Astrobook drive: Call to action: Astro Library-Indonesia:
Summary of International Year of Astronomy 2009 Released
The Executive Summary, print-ready files and source files are now available for download here:
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