The World at Night Newsletter
12 December 2010
News and Report
Photo Report: TWAN Continues to Travel in Hungary The World at Night traveling exhibit and presentations in Hungary which started during the International Year of Astronomy continues in the country with new events.
Photo Report: Lennart Nilsson Award to Babak Tafreshi and Carolyn Porco
See the most visited photos on TWAN website during summer 2010.
Join TWAN fans on Facebook: Learn about the latest updates on the project and communicate with TWAN photographers at The World at Night page on Facebook page.
There are new stunning photos and time-lapse videos on the TWAN website, featuring starry nights of our planet's landmarks from around the world:
- Tassili Milky Way by Babak A. Tafreshi
- A Starry Evening of Libya by Tunc Tezel
- Crescent Moon Meets Crescent Venus by Tunc Tezel
- Moon, Mercury, and M22 by Tunc Tezel
- Kilimanjaro Star Trails by Kwon O Chul
- Aurora Fireball by Yuichi Takasaka
- A Message From the Sun by Kwon O Chul
- Dancing Lights by Yuichi Takasaka
- Down Town Aurora by Yuichi Takasaka
- Rotating Sky and Moving Aurora by Yuichi Takasaka
- Sky in Motion above the Very Large Telescope (time-lapse video) by Stephane Guisard
- VLT in 360-degree Panoramic Video (time-lapse video) by Stephane Guisard
- Sedona Fireball by Wally Pacholka
- St. Helens Night Panorama by Wally Pacholka
- All-Sky View from Kansas by Doug Zubenel
- Jupiter over the Maroon Bells by Thad V`Soske
- The Meteor Crater by Wally Pacholka
- Moon Occults Mars by Doug Zubenel
- The Red Planet Comes Out of Occultation by Doug Zubenel
- Shooting Stars of December by Wally Pacholka
- Big Dipper Falling Star by Wally Pacholka
- Starry Sky of an Alien Lake by Wally Pacholka
- Rotating Sky above Armenia by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Himalaya Startrails by Oshin D. Zakarian
Australia and Pacific
- Uluru Moonset by Kwon O Chul
- Sky Beauty and Increasing Lights by Kwon O Chul
Cook Islands
- Ocean Stars by Tunc Tezel
- Mushroom Sun by Pekka Parviainen
- Moon Game by Laurent Laveder
- Bavarian Alps in Moonlight by Bernd Proschold
- Winter Stars above Bavarian Alps by Babak A. Tafreshi
- From the Shore of Lake Balaton by Tamas Ladanyi
- Hungary at Night (time-lapse video) by Tamas Ladanyi
- Solar Halo and Ice Crystals by Tamas Ladanyi
- The Village of Sundials by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Faro Evening Twilight by P-M Heden
- Noctilucent Clouds above Sweden by P-M Heden
- Watching Night-shining Clouds by P-M Heden
- Windmill NLCs by P-M Heden
- Moon, Pleiades, and Mysterious Clouds by P-M Heden
- Northern Stars Trail above Sweden by P-M Heden
- A Night in the Forest by P-M Heden
- Rivers of Water and Stars by P-M Heden
- King Oak by P-M Heden
Middle East
- Crescent Pair by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Zagros Mountains in Moonlight by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Mount Gargash Night Panorama by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Space Station above Mount Gargash by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Tower Star Trails by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Setting Stars above Alborz by Amir H. Abolfath
- A Spring Night of Alborz by Amir H. Abolfath
- Starry Garage by Amir H. Abolfath
- In the Silent of Night by Amir H. Abolfath
- Winter All Sky by Amir H. Abolfath
- Night River by Amir H. Abolfath
- Stars and Blossoms (VR/video) by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Eclipsed Sunrise by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Shiraz Night by Babak A. Tafreshi
- The Earth Shadow by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Damavand Moon by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Heavenly Branches by Oshin D. Zakarian
- The Quest by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Far Far Away by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Toward Polaris by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Winter Stars Rise above Zagros by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Beauty of Spring under Moonlight by Oshin D. Zakarian
- Painted by Stars by Oshin D. Zakarian
- The King Parade by Babak A. Tafreshi
- Sky Away from the Lights by Tunc Tezel
The Guest Gallery is a well-received section on the TWAN website, featuring selected outstanding Earth and sky photos by non-TWAN creative photographers from around the globe. If you have such remarkable photos to share with the TWAN Guest Gallery then please contact us. There are new featured photos in the Guest Gallery:
- Comet Hale Bopp over Nevada (Mt. Charleston, Nevada, USA) by Sean Sabatini
- Camping below the Milky way (Central Australia) by Pascal Christian
- Gathering of Planets from Portugal (Costa da Caparica, Almada, Portugal) by Miguel Claro
- Full Moon and Ruins (Tok, Hungary) by Tamas Abraham
- Pre-dawn Perseid Meteor (Alborz Mountains, Firooz Kouh, Iran) by Mohammad Reza Zaman Sani
- Moon and 4 Planets in Twilight (Meizhou, Guangdong, China) by Phebe Pan
- Milky Way above Monument Valley (Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah, USA) by Marco Meniero
- Star Trails over Mauna Kea Observatory (Mauna Kea Observatory, Hawaii, USA) by Richard Wainscoat
- Colors in the Nordland Sky (Andenes, Nordland, Norway) by Terje Nesthus
- Perseid from the Dome (Bologna, Italy) by Michele Brusa
- Planets and Thunderstorm (Naples, Florida, USA) by Holger Ziegler
- Trails of Stars and Meteors (Rabat, Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran) by Mohammad Javad Saffaran
- Observatory Inca de Oro (Diego de Almagro, Atacama, Chile) by Emilio Lepeley
- Observing the Southern Stars (Sydney, Australia) by Daniel Cafe
- Dark Skies of Esfahan and Yasuj (Esfahan, Iran) by Mohammad Rahimi
- Light Trails in the Forest (Fonte-de-Telha, Almada, Portugal) by Miguel Claro
- Moon and Jupiter from Szomor (Szomor, Hungary) by Tamas Abraham
- Aphrodite, Ares, and Kronos (Aquileia, Friuli, Italy) by Marco Candotti
- Milky Way over Mount Locho (Locho, Zahedan, Iran) by Arman Golestaneh
- Zodiac Light and Meteor (Dehpabid, Sistan va Balouchestan, Iran) by Mojtaba Moghadasi
- Moon and Venus over Viverone Lake (Viverone Lake, Italy) by Stefano De Rosa
- Nordland Skies (Andenes, Nordland, Norway) by Terje Nesthus
- Summer Star Pary in Greece (Mt. Parnon, Greece) by Bill Metallinos
- An Astronomer (Moonkyeong Flyingland, Korea) by Kang Jisoo
- Monument Valley Skies (Monument Valley, Arizona/Utah, USA) by Marco Meniero
- Tropical Island Full Moon (Lanikai Beach, Kailua, Hawaii, USA) by Richard Wainscoat
- Telescopes on La Palma (Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma, Spain) by Pascal Christian
Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD), a NASA’s world-known website, has featured new images by TWAN photographers:
- A Twilight Occultation by Doug Zubenel
- Two Views, Two Crescents by Babak Tafreshi and Stefano De Rosa
TWAN is featuring 13 special galleries:
Dark Skies Importance
World Heritage Sites
TWAN on National Geographic News
TWAN is a global program of Astronomers Without Borders ( and a Special Project of International Year of Astronomy, an initiative by IAU and UNESCO. The World at Night is to produce and present a collection of stunning photographs of the world's most beautiful and historic sites against the nighttime backdrop of stars, planets and celestial events. The eternally peaceful sky looks the same above all symbols of different nations and regions, attesting to the truly unified nature of Earth as a planet rather than an amalgam of human-designated territories.
Building bridges through the sky
The World at Night
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