Single Point of Contact
James E. Hesser
NRC Herzberg Inst of Astrophysics
5071 W Saanich Rd
Victoria V9E 2E7
Phone | +1 250 363 0007 |
Fax | +1 250 363 6970 | | |
Website | |
Canadian national launch events
8-10 January 2009
Canada Science and Technology Museum hosts a media event on 8 January releasing an animation for children of the aboriginal Mi'kmaq story of Muin, the Great Bear, and informs Canadians about events in their communities on 10 January such as the Toronto Astronomy Fair for families at the Ontario Science Centre.
Musicians launch IYA2009 in Canada
9 & 21-25 January (Banff, Toronto), 25-27 January (Victoria)
Activity two description: Concerts inspired by Galileo and astronomy for the public (Tafelmusik) and school children (Victoria Symphony) are premiered; both will be played extensively during 2009.;;
Distribution begins of new educational materials
The initial printings of French and English versions of Mary Lou's New Telescope (dealing with light pollution), Star Finder (a cardboard planisphere), and Astronomy Trading Cards are made available to support diverse education and public outreach events throughout Canada in 2009, including registering names for launch into space in 2010 by the Canadian Space Agency.
Search IYA2009 National Nodes

National Nodes: 148
Organisational Nodes: 40
Organisational Associates:33
National Websites: 111
Cornerstone Projects: 12
Special Task Groups: 11
Special Projects:16
Official Products:8
Media Partners:22